


Besides being a delicious citrusy seasoning in Southeastern Asian cooking, most of us would never guess that this delicious thready grass holds so much healing power inside its fibrous stalks!

Surprisingly, lemongrass essential oil is used as aromatherapy to relieve muscle pain, externally to kill bacteria, ward off insects, and reduce body aches, and internally to help your digestive system. It can also be used for flavoring tea and soups, and it adds a pleasant natural fragrance to cosmetics, soaps and homemade deodorizers.

The compounds that make up lemongrass essential oil are known to have antifungal, insecticidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemongrass may prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast, and it contains antioxidant properties.  It also contains substances that are used to alleviate muscle pain, reduce fever, plus stimulate uterus and menstrual flow.

What is Lemongrass Essential Oil?柠檬草油

Before we talk more about lemongrass oil, what is lemongrass? Lemongrass is an herb that belongs to the grass family of PoaceaeLemongrass is also known by Cymbopogon; it is a genus of about 55 species of grasses.

Lemongrass grows in dense clumps that can grow six feet in height and four feet in width. It is native to warm and tropical regions, such as India, Southeast Asia and Oceania. It is used as a medicinal herb in India and it is common in Asian cuisine. In African and South American countries, it is popularly used for making tea.

Lemongrass oil comes from the leaves or grasses of the lemongrass plant, most often the Cymbopogon flexuosus or Cymbopogon citratus plants. The oil has a light and fresh lemony smell with earthy undertones. It is stimulating, relaxing, soothing and balancing. The chemical composition of lemongrass essential oil varies according to the geographical origin; the compounds typically include hydrocarbon terpenes, alcohols, ketones, esters and mainly aldehydes. The essential consists of mainly citral at about 70 to 80 percent.

Lemongrass essential oil is a source of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate and vitamin C. It also provides essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc and iron.

1. Natural Deodorizer and Cleaner

Use lemongrass oil as a natural and safe air freshener or deodorizer. You can add the oil to water and use it as a mist or use an oil diffuser or vaporizer. By adding other essential oils, like lavender or tea tree oil, you can customize your own natural fragrance.

Cleaning with lemongrass essential oil is another great idea because not only does it naturally deodorize your home, but it also helps to sanitize it.

2. Skin Health

Is lemongrass oil good for skin? One major lemongrass essential oil benefit is its skin healing properties. One research study tested the effects of a lemongrass infusion on the skin of animal subjects; the infusion is made by pouring boiling water over dried lemongrass leaves. The infusion was used on the paws of rats in order to test lemongrass as a sedative. The pain-killing activity suggests that lemongrass can be used to soothe irritations on the skin.

Add lemongrass oil to shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, soaps and lotions. Lemongrass oil is an effective cleanser for all skin types; its antiseptic and astringent properties make lemongrass oil perfect for getting even and glowing skin, and thus part of your natural skin care routine. It can sterilize your pores, serve as a natural toner and strengthen your skin tissues. By rubbing this oil into your hair, scalp and body, you can alleviate headaches or muscle pain.

3. Hair Health

Lemongrass oil can strengthen your hair follicles, so if you are struggling with hair loss or an itchy and irritated scalp, massage a few drops of lemongrass oil into your scalp for two minutes and then rinse. The soothing and bacteria-killing properties will leave your hair shiny, fresh and odor-free.

4. Natural Bug Repellant

Because of its high citral and geraniol content, lemongrass oil is known to repel bugs such as mosquitoes and ants. This natural repellant has a mild smell and can be sprayed directly on the skin. You can even use lemongrass oil to kill fleas; add about five drops of oil to water and create your own spray, then apply the spray to your pet’s coat.

Lemongrass Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

5.Did you know that Lemongrass essential oil can help support healthy digestion when taken internally?* The chemical makeup of Lemongrass includes aldehydes, which are known for their ability to maintain healthy gastrointestinal function when ingested.* To reap these benefits, add a few drops of Lemongrass oil to your food or beverages to add flavor and provide dietary support. You can also place a few drops in a doTERRA Veggie Capsule to promote healthy digestive function.* You can even combine Lemongrass oil with Peppermint oil in a capsule to support healthy gastrointestinal function and maintain healthy digestion.

6.One way to experience the benefits of Lemongrass essential oil is by diffusing the oil in your diffuser at home. Consider diffusing Lemongrass oil when you want to overpower feelings of nervousness, or eliminate mental fatigue. Diffusing Lemongrass essential oil can also help promote a positive outlook and heighten your awareness. Another benefit of diffusing Lemongrass oil is the refreshing, herbaceous aroma of the oil. If you want to experience the aromatic benefits of Lemongrass essential oil but don’t have time to diffuse it, place one drop in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, and inhale softly for up to 30 seconds or longer as desired.

7.The aldehydes in Lemongrass essential oil also make Lemongrass useful for naturally repelling insects. Diffusing Lemongrass essential oil or even using it topically can help keep bugs away. Diffuse Lemongrass oil inside or outside on your porch or patio to keep away mosquitos and bugs. If you are worried about keeping bugs off of your body, rub or spritz Lemongrass essential oil on your skin before you go outside. 

8.Because Lemongrass is a soothing oil, it is commonly used for massage. The refreshing aroma combined with the oil’s soothing properties make it a popular choice for massage therapy. It also holds purifying benefits for the skin, making it a desirable oil to use during massage sessions. If you use Lemongrass essential oil for massage, dilute it with a carrier oil like doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil. Apply the diluted oil to muscles and joints for a soothing sensation that makes for a tranquil massage. 

9.Possibly one of the most common uses for Lemongrass is in culinary settings. For many years, Lemongrass has been a common ingredient to add flavor to Asian soups, curries, beef, fish, teas, and more. It is also widely used in baked goods or candies in the food industry because of its distinct flavor. If you want to utilize the powerful flavor of Lemongrass essential oil, consider adding a few drops to entrees or meat dishes. Looking for an essential oil recipe that uses Lemongrass essential oil? Try our Coconut Lemongrass Red Lentil Soup and enjoy the unique flavors of Lemongrass, ginger root, coconut milk, lentils, and more.

10.The soothing properties of Lemongrass essential oil also make it helpful for the body after physical activity. Consider applying Lemongrass essential oil topically where needed after a hard workout to utilize the soothing properties of the oil. You can also dilute Lemongrass and apply it after a long run for a refreshing feeling. No matter what kind of workout you choose, Lemongrass essential oil can help soothe the body after exertion during physical activity. 

11.Lemongrass contains purifying and toning benefits for the skin, and can be used in your skin care routine to help promote pure, toned skin. Consider adding a few drops of Lemongrass essential oil to your daily cleanser or moisturizer to help tone and purify skin. Similar to Melaleuca, Lemongrass oil can also help promote the appearance of healthy fingernails and toenails. To experience these benefits of Lemongrass, try combining it with Melaleuca essential oil and apply the mixture to your fingernails and toenails to help them look and feel clean. 







Post time: Apr-01-2023