

Marjoram hydrosol




Marjoram hydrosol is a Healing and Calming fluid with a note-worthy aroma. It has soft, sweet yet minty fresh aroma with slight hints of wood. Its herby aroma is used in many forms to gain benefits. Organic Marjoram hydrosol is obtained by steam distillation of Origanum Majorana, commonly known as Marjoram in general. Leaves and flowers of Marjoram fruits are used to extract this hydrosol. Marjoram is considered a substitute for Oregano herb in many cuisines. It is used in making teas, concoctions and drinks to treat cold and viral fevers.  

Marjoram Hydrosol has all the benefits, without the strong intensity, that Essential oils have. It has a sweet, minty and woody scent, which can promote a relaxed setting that refreshes mind. That is why its aroma is popularly used in Diffusers and Steams to treat Anxiety and promote positive thoughts. It can also treat Cough and Cold with its anti-bacterial compounds. It can also be used to bring relief from fevers and reducing bodily exhaustion. Marjoram Hydrosol can promote skin health and prevent skin from early signs of ageing and reduce acne as well. It is rich in healing and Anti-microbial properties, and it is also rich in anti-oxidants which makes it an excellent anti-acne and anti-ageing agent. It is very popularly added to skin care products for such benefits. Marjoram Hydrosol also benefits hair and scalp by reducing dandruff and clearing scalp from dirt and pollutants. And that’s why it is added to hair care products. It is also added to steaming oils to promote relaxed breathing and treat sore threat. Marjoram Essential Oil’s anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties can also prevent skin from infections and allergies. It is used in making anti-infection creams and treatment. It is also a natural tonic and stimulant, which strengthens the immune system. Marjoram Hydrosol can also be used in massages, therapies to treat muscle aches, inflammation in joints, cramps in abdominal and pain of Arthritis and Rheumatism as well. 

Marjoram Hydrosol is commonly used in mist forms, you can add it to treat acne, reduce dandruff, hydrate skin, prevent infections, reduce mental pressure, and others. It can be used as Facial toner, Room Freshener, Body Spray, Hair spray, Linen spray, Makeup setting spray etc. Marjoram hydrosol can also be used in the making of Creams, Lotions, Shampoos, Conditioners, SoapsBody wash etc







Reduces acne: Marjoram Hydrosol is rich in anti-bacterial properties, which helps in clearing skin of acne and pimples. It eliminates the bacteria from skin layers and pores and prevents future outbursts as well. It’s a perfect solution for those who get puss ridden acne. It can also cleanse pores by removing dirt and pollution accumulated in the skin. 

Anti-Ageing: Rich in anti-oxidants, steam distilled Marjoram Hydrosol can protect your skin against free radical damage. Which are compounds roaming inside body, causing havoc on immune system and destroying healthy skin cells. Anti-oxidants bind and fight with free radical, and restrict their activity. This results in reduced appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and darkness around the mouth. Marjoram hydrosol can also promote skin healing and repair skin damage by spots and marks.

Cleanse Scalp: The same anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties that help repair skin damage can also promote scalp health. Pure Marjoram Hydrosol reaches into scalp pores and reduces dandruff. It also makes scalp cleaner by controlling sebum production and excess oil in the scalp. When used regularly, it prevents reoccurrence of dandruff and fights off fungus and other microbial infections in the scalp. 

Prevents Infections: Marjoram is already famous in Middle east to treat skin allergies and infections. And its hydrosol possesses the same benefits. Its anti-bacterial and microbial compound can fight infection causing microorganisms and restrict their entry in skin layers. It prevents body from infections, rashes, boils and allergies and sooths irritated skin. It is best suited to treat microbial infections like Athlete’s foot, Ringworm, yeast infections.

Faster Healing: Organic Marjoram Hydrosol can accumulate or contract skin tissues and help it rejuvenate. It helps in reducing the appearance of scars, marks and spots on skin. It can be mixed into daily moisturizer and used for faster and better healing of open wounds and cuts. It can also prevent infection from happening in open wounds and cuts, with antiseptic benefits.

Improved Mental Health: Marjoram leaves holds properties that can provide mind clarity and reduce mental exhaustion. And made from the same, Marjoram Hydrosol can do the same, it relaxes nervous system and improves cognitive function. This results in increased memory power and better concentration as well. 

Hormonal Balance in Women: The soft and sweet aroma of Marjoram Hydrosol makes it a natural tonic, which has a positive effect on Endocrine system, i.e., system responsible for hormone production in humans. It has a special effect on women and can stimulate hormone production, which helps with conditions like PCOS and irregular menstrual cycles in women.

Reduces Cough and Flu: Marjoram hydrosol can bring relief to cough and cold. It removes the stuck mucus and blockage inside air passage and promotes respiration. It can also provide relief to inflamed nasal way by soothing it down. It can fight with the infection causing bacteria and support respiratory system. 

Pain Relief: With its anti-inflammatory properties, Marjoram Hydrosol can be used for treating body pain and exhaustion. When applied on skin, it brings down inflammation, sensitivity and sensations on the affected area and provides comfort to body parts. It can be beneficial to treat Rheumatism, Arthritis and painful joints. It also reduces cramps, intestinal knots, headaches, muscle spasms when massaged topically.

Diuretic and Tonic: When inhaled, Marjoram hydrosol promotes Urination and Sweating which removes excess Sodium, Uric Acid and Harmful toxins from the body. It also purifies body in the process, and improves functioning of all the organs and systems which strengthens the immune system.     








Skin Care Products: Marjoram hydrosol is used in making skin care products especially those made for treating painful acne and pimples. It will reduce the appearance of acne and pimples, and sooth down inflamed skin as well. That’s why it is added to skin care products like face mists, facial cleansers, face packs. It is also an excellent ingredient for using in anti-ageing creams and gels. It provides skin a subtle glow and youthful appearance. It will keep your skin tight and prevent wrinkles and fine lines. It is also used in making anti-scar creams and marks lightening gels. You can also use it as a natural mist and facial spray by creating a mix with distilled water. Use it at night to heal skin and in the morning to keep it protected.

Hair care products: Marjoram Hydrosol is used in making skin hair care products like shampoos, oils and hair mists. It is especially added to products that aim to reduce dandruff and cleaning scalp. It will eliminate dandruff and also prevent itching and irritation in the scalp. You can also mix it to your shampoos and create hair masks, to keep scalp cleaner and lighter. Added bonus it will also restrict excess oil production in the scalp and prevent greasiness. Or create a hair tonic or hair spray by mixing Marjoram hydrosol with distilled water. Keep this mix in a spray bottle and use it after washing you head to keep scalp hydrated and soothing.

Infection Treatment: Marjoram Hydrosol is filled with antibacterial and antiseptic qualities, which makes it a natural treatment for skin infections like Athlete’s foot, yeast infections, Eczema, allergy, prickly skin, etc. That’s why it is used in making creams and gels to treat infections and allergies, especially those targeted to fungal infections. It can also be used in making wound healing creams, scar removing creams as it speeds up the healing process. It can also prevent itching and irritation in insect bites. 

Spas & therapies: Marjoram Hydrosol is used in Spas and therapy centres for multiple reasons. It has a nice and delicate effect on nervous system, which helps you to relax better. That’s why its aroma is popular in therapy. It is used in Spas and Massages, to treat body ache, joint pain, symptoms of Rheumatism, etc. It brings down inflammation and sensitivity on the applied area, which can be due to excessive pain or fever. It can also reduce period cramps and headaches in general. You can also use it in aromatic baths to gain these benefits. 

Diffusers: Common use of Marjoram Hydrosol is adding to diffusers, to purify surroundings. Add Distilled water and Marjoram hydrosol in appropriate ratio, and clean your home or car. Its sweet aroma can promote mind and body relaxation. This results in reduced stress and tension and improved focus and concentration. It can be diffused in stressful times, to gain a fresh perspective and promote conscious thinking. Marjoram Hydrosol can also be used to treat cough and congestion. It also provides relief to migraine and nausea, which are a side effect of excessive stress. And it can also be used to relief menstrual mood swings and stimulate hormonal balance.   

Pain relief ointments: Marjoram Hydrosol is added to pain relief ointments, sprays and balms because of its anti-inflammatory nature. It sooths down inflammation in the body and provides relief to inflammatory pain like Rheumatism, Arthritis and general pain like body ache, muscle cramps, etc.

Cosmetic Products and Soap Making: Marjoram Hydrosol is used in making cosmetic products like soaps, handwashes, bathing gels, etc. It increases the healing nature and cleansing benefits of such products. It is more suitable for products that are made to treat acne, rashes and skin allergies. It is added to skin care products like face mists, primers, creams, lotions, refresher, etc. It can also be used in making bathing products like shower gels, body washes, scrubs, and others to keep skin tight and prevent premature ageing. It will rejuvenate skin cells and reduce the appearance of early signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles, sagging of skin, dullness, etc.




Amanda 名片


Post time: Sep-22-2023