

Myrrh Oil



Myrrh Oil is extracted from the Resin of Commiphora Myrrh through Solvent extraction method. It is often called Myrrh Gel because of its Gel-like consistency. It is native to Arabian Peninsula and parts of Africa. Myrrh was burnt like frankincense as an incense to purify the environment. It was very popular for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It was also consumed by mouth to treat oral infections. It was often made into a paste to bring relief to painful joints. It was also famous amongst women, as it was a natural emmenagogue of that time. Myrrh has been a natural remedy for Cough, Cold and Respiratory issues. It has been since used for the same benefits in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine.

Myrrh Essential Oil has a very unique smoky and woody and at the same time, very herbaceous aroma, which is known relax mind and overcome powerful emotions. It is added to diffusers and steaming oils for its cleansing properties and for providing relief to sore throat. It is a potent ingredient in infection treatment creams and healing ointments. It is also used in making soaps, handwashes and bathing products for its anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties. Along with these, it is also added to skin care products especially anti-ageing. It is used in massage therapy for its anti-inflammatory nature and bringing relief to joint pain and arthritis and rheumatism.











Anti-Ageing: It is filled with anti-oxidants which binds with free radicals that cause premature ageing of skin and body. It also prevents oxidation, that reduces fine lines, wrinkles and darkness around the mouth. It also promotes faster healing of cuts and bruises on the face and reduce scars and marks. It is also Astringent in nature, that reduces the appearance of Fine lines, Wrinkles and Sagging of Skin.

Prevents Sun Damage: It is known to reduce or reverse Sun Damage; it has been proven in many studies that Myrrh essential oil when applied with Sun block, promotes the effects of SPF. It protects the skin from harmful UV rays and repairs the damage skin as well.

Prevents Infections: It is anti-bacterial and microbial in nature, that forms a protective layer against infection causing microorganisms. It prevents body from infections, rashes, boils and allergies and sooths irritated skin. It is best suited to treat Athlete’s foot, ringworm and other fungal infections. It is also used to reduce insect bites and itching caused by it. 

Faster Healing: Its Astringent compounds, contracts skin and removes scars, marks and spots caused by various skin conditions. It can be mixed into daily moisturizer and used for faster and better healing of open wounds and cuts. Its antiseptic nature prevents any infection from happening in an open wound or cut.

Purifies Environment: It has cleansing properties, that purifies the environment and removes all the bacteria present. It makes the surrounding air healthier to inhale.

Anti-oxidative: Its richness of Anti-oxidants binds with free radicals in the body and restrict their movement. It reduces oxidation in the body, which not only results in ageing but also cause various health issues and compromise immune system. It strengthens the immune system in the process as well.

Reduces Cough and Flu: It has been used to treat cough and cold since a very long time and can be diffused to relieve inflammation inside air passage and treat sore throat. It is also anti-septic and prevents any infection in the respiratory system. It clears mucus and blockage inside the air passage and improve breathing.  Myrrh essential oil is also beneficial as an additional treatment for respiratory infections, cough and Asthma as well.

Pain Relief and Reduced Swelling: It has been used to treat body pain and muscle aches for its anti- inflammatory and heating properties. It is applied on open wounds and painful area, for its anti-spasmodic and anti-septic benefits. It is known to bring relief to pain and symptoms of Rheumatism, Back pain, and Arthritis. It improves blood circulation and provides warmth to the affected area, which reduces swelling too.







Skin Care Products: It is added to skincare products for multiple benefits. Especially those targeted to reverse ageing and sun damage. It is added to anti-aging creams and gels to reverse the effects of free radicals. It is often added to Sun block to improve its performance.

Infection Treatment: It is used in making antiseptic creams and gels to treat infections and allergies, especially those targeted to fungal infections like Athlete’s foot and Ringworm. It is also used in making wound healing creams, scar removing creams and first aid ointments. It can also clear up insect bites and restrict itching.

Scented Candles: Its smoky, woody and herbaceous aroma gives candles a unique and calming scent, which is useful during stressful times. It deodorizes the air and creates a peaceful environment. It can be used to relieve stress, tension and provide a positive mood. It is best for people who don’t like the usual flowery and citrusy oil scent.

Aromatherapy: Myrrh Essential Oil has a calming effect on mind and body. It is therefore, used in aroma diffusers to treat inflamed internals and sore throat. It also provides a coping mechanism to deal with overwhelming emotions. It also reduces stress and helps mind to relax better.

Soap Making: It has anti-bacterial and antiseptic qualities, and a unique aroma which is why it’s used in making soaps and handwashes since a very long time. Myrrh Essential Oil has a very refreshing smell and it also helps in treating skin infection and allergies, and can also be added to special sensitive skin soaps and gels. It can also be added to bathing products like shower gels, body washes, and body scrubs that are targeted to reducing infections.

Steaming Oil: When inhaled, it can remove infection and inflammation from inside the body and provide relief to inflamed internals. It has been used to treat respiratory infections, reducing phlegm and mucus from the ais passage. It is a natural remedy for cold, flu and cough. It also restricts activities of free radicals and protects body against oxidation.

Massage therapy: It is used in massage therapy for its antispasmodic nature and benefits to reduce inflammation. It can be massaged for pain relief and improving blood circulation. It reduces joint pain and symptoms of Arthritis and Rheumatism by providing heat and warmth to the affected area.

Pain relief ointments and balms: It can be added to pain relief ointments, balms and gels, it will even bring relief to Rheumatism, Back pain and Arthritis.

Insecticide: It can be added to insect repellent and healing creams for insect bites.


Post time: Dec-08-2023