

Myrrh Oil | Boost Immune Function and Promote Blood

What Is Myrrh Oil?

Myrrh, commonly known as “Commiphora myrrha” is a plant native to Egypt. In ancient Egypt and Greece, Myrrh was used in perfumes and to heal wounds.

The essential oil obtained from the plant is extracted from the leaves through the process of steam distillation and has beneficial medicinal properties.

The chief constituents of myrrh essential oil include acetic acid, cresol, eugenol, cadinene, alpha-pinene, limonene, formic acid, heerabolene and sesquiterpenes.


Uses of Myrrh Oil

Myrrh essential oil blends well with other essential oils like sandalwood, tea tree, lavender, frankincense, thyme and rosewood. Myrrh essential oil is valued highly for its use in spiritual offerings and aromatherapy.

Myrrh essential oil is used in the following ways:

  • In aromatherapy
  • In incense sticks
  • In perfumes
  • To treat skin diseases like eczema, scars and blemishes
  • To treat hormonal imbalances
  • To alleviate mood swings

Benefits of Myrrh Oil

Myrrh essential oil contains astringent, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseptic, circulatory, antispasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic, stomachic, stimulant and anti-inflammatory properties.

The main health benefits include:

1. Stimulates blood circulation

Myrrh essential oil has stimulating properties that play a role in stimulating blood circulation and supplying oxygen to the tissues. Increased blood flow to all parts of the body helps attain a proper metabolic rate and maintains overall health.

2. Promotes sweating

Myrrh oil increases perspiration and promotes sweating. Increased sweating enlarges the pores of the skin and helps eliminate excess water, salt and harmful toxins from the body. Perspiration also cleanses the skin and allows harmful gases like nitrogen to escape.

3. Inhibits microbial growth

Myrrh oil contains antimicrobial properties and does not allow any microbes to grow in your body. It also helps in treating microbial infections like food poisoning, measles, mumps, cold and cough. Unlike antibiotics, myrrh essential oil does not have any side effects.

4. Acts as an astringent

Myrrh essential oil is a natural astringent that helps strengthen the intestines, muscles, gums and other internal organs. It also strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair loss.

The astringent property of myrrh oil helps to stop the hemorrhaging of wounds. Myrrh oil makes the blood vessels contract and prevents the loss of too much blood when wounded.

5. Treats respiratory infections

Myrrh oil is commonly used to treat cold, cough, asthma and bronchitis. It has decongestant and expectorant properties that help loosen the phlegm deposits and expels it out of the body. It clears the nasal tract and relieves congestion.

6. Anti-inflammatory properties

Myrrh oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties that soothe inflammation in the muscles and surrounding tissues. It helps in treating fever and viral infections related to inflammation and helps treat indigestion caused by spicy food.

7. Speeds up wound healing

The antiseptic property of myrrh essential heals wounds and protects them from secondary infections. It also acts as a coagulant that makes the bleeding stop and clot quickly.

8. Boosts overall immunity

Myrrh essential oil is an excellent health tonic that tones up all the organs in the body. It strengthens the body and protects it from infections. Additionally, myrrh oil is an excellent immunity booster and protects the body from premature aging.

Side Effects of Myrrh Oil

Listed below are some of the side effects of myrrh oil:

  1. Excessive usage of myrrh essential oil can affect heart rate, therefore, people having heart problems must avoid using myrrh oil.
  2. Reduces blood sugar levels drastically, so those with diabetes must exercise caution.
  3. Those suffering from systemic inflammation must avoid using myrrh oil as it can worsen the condition.
  4. Stimulate uterine bleeding and causes menstrual periods, hence, pregnant women must avoid using myrrh essential oil.

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Post time: Jun-18-2024