

Neroli essential oil

What Is Neroli Essential Oil?

Neroli essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the citrus tree Citrus aurantium var. amara which is also called marmalade orange, bitter orange and bigarade orange. (The popular fruit preserve, marmalade, is made from it.) Neroli essential oil from the bitter orange tree is also known as orange blossom oil. It was native to Southeast Asia, but with trade and with its popularity, the plant began to be grown all over the world.橙花油

This plant is believed to be a cross or hybrid between the mandarin orange and pomelo. The essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the plant using the steam distillation process. This method of extraction ensures that the structural integrity of the oil remains intact. Also, as the process does not use any chemicals or heat, the resulting product is said to be 100% organic.

The flowers and its oil, since ancient times, have been renowned for its healthy properties. The plant (and ergo its oil) has been used as a traditional or herbal medicine as a stimulant. It is also used as an ingredient in many cosmetic and pharmaceutical products and in perfumery. The popular Eau-de-Cologne has neroli oil as one of the ingredients.

Neroli essential oil smells rich and floral, but with undertones of citrus. The citrus scent is due to the citrus plant from which it is extracted and it smells rich and floral because it is extracted from the flowers of the plant. Neroli oil has almost similar effects as the other citrus based essential oils.

Some of the active ingredients of the essential oil that impart health based properties to the oil are geraniol, alpha- and beta- pinene, and neryl acetate.

Health Benefits of Neroli Essential Oil

The essential oil of neroli or orange blossom oil has several benefits that are necessary for a healthy life. Neroli essential oil uses and benefits include several ailments affecting the body and

Romance Boosting Oil

The aroma of neroli oil and its aromatic molecules works wonders in reigniting romance. Of course, a sexologist must be consulted to deal with sexual disorders and his or her opinion must be sought before using neroli essential oil as a romance boosted essential oil.

Neroli oil is a stimulant that improves the blood flow in the body after a good massage. Ample blood flow is needed for renewed interest in one’s sex life. Diffusing the oil of neroli rejuvenates the mind and body, and awakens one’s carnal desires.

Good Winter Oil

Why is neroli a good oil for the winter season? Well, it keeps you warm. It should be topically applied or diffused during the cold nights to give warmth to the body. Furthermore, it protects the body from colds and coughs.

Oil for Women’s Health

The pleasant aroma of neroli is used in aromatherapy to lower the discomfort during menstruation and menopause.

Neroli Oil for Skincare

A few studies have shown that neroli oil was more effective in treating blemishes and scars on the face and body than most lotions or anti-spot creams available in the market. The oil is used as an ingredient in some skincare products. It is also used to diminish after pregnancy stretch marks.

Oil for Rest

The oil of neroli has a soothing effect which is useful for resting. Diffusing the aroma in a room or massaging with the oil can induce a state of rest.

Popular Aroma

The aroma of neroli is rich and can drive away foul smells. It is hence used in deodorants, perfumes, and in room fresheners. A drop of the oil is added to clothes to keep it smelling fresh.

Disinfects the House and Surroundings

Neroli oil has properties that drive away insects and pests. Hence it is used as a cleaning agent that disinfects the house and clothes, and gives it a good aroma.

Uses of Neroli Essential Oil

Neroli essential oil benefits and uses are plenty. Neroli oil is an essential oil that also helps maintain the general wellbeing of the body. Neroli blends well with other citrus oils to enhance its properties.

Neroli Essential Oil For Skin care

Neroli is an ideal solution for individuals with skin issues such as acne, irritation, oiliness, or sensitivity. Additionally, it gradually minimizes the appearance of stretch marks and scars.

Acne Fighting Essential Oil

Neroli oil has skin health properties. This has been established through various studies. The oil is used in cosmetic products to fight acne. However, the oil can be used as a standalone tool to fight acne. Mix the oil with any vegetable oil and apply on the face. One can alternate cosmetic products and neroli oil for acne treatment.

Soothes Irritated Skin

The soothing properties of the essential oil are useful when applied on skin that is irritated. Just take a small amount of the oil and mix it with carrier oil and apply on the irritated surface. It also maintains the oil balance in the skin.

Natural Makeup Aid

Neroli oil has a sweet rich aroma with good skincare properties. It is applied on the face to remove makeup without annoying the skin and it is used as a toner for makeup. It is typically used with a cotton ball. The oil with a carrier oil nicely removes the makeup.






Post time: May-06-2023