

  • Grape Seed Oil

    Grape Seed Oils pressed from specific grape varieties including chardonnay and riesling grapes are available. In general, however, Grape Seed Oil tends to be solvent extracted. Be sure to check the method of extraction for the oil that you purchase. Grape Seed Oil is commonly used in aromatherap...
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    Chamomile essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils used in aromatherapy. Chamomile oil has several benefits and can be used in various ways.   Chamomile essential oil is obtained from the plant’s flowers and is rich in compounds such as bisabolol and chamazulene, which give it anti...
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  • citrus essential oil

    Fun fact: Citrus Fresh is a blend of Orange, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Lemon, Spearmint, and Mandarin Orange essential oils.   What sets it apart: Think of Citrus Fresh as the queen of citrus oils. We included this deliciously aromatic blend because it embodies all the bright, fresh elements of indi...
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  • Grapeseed oil

    What Is Grapeseed Oil         Grapeseed oil is made by pressing the seeds of grapes, which believe it or not contain fatty acids. These are the same grapes used to make wine and grape juice, which are both high in antioxidants just like grapeseed oil and grapeseed extract are.      Health-p...
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  • Rosehip oil

    What Is Rosehip Oil?           Rose oil  is made from rose petals while rosehip oil, also called rosehip seed oil, comes from the seeds of rose hips. Rose hips are the fruit left behind after a plant has flowered and dropped its petals.  Rosehip oil is harvested from the seeds of rose bushe...
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  • Honeysuckle Essential Oil

    Honeysuckle Essential Oil Made from the flowers of the Honeysuckle plant, the Honeysuckle Essential Oil is a special essential oil that has been used since ancient times. Its main use has been to restore free and clean breathing. Apart from that, it has significant importance in aromatherapy and ...
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  • Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil

    Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil Extracted by steam distilling the barks of the Cinnamon tree, the Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil is popular for its warm invigorating fragrance that soothes your senses and makes you feel comfortable during the cold chilly evenings in winter. Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil i...
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  • Essential Oils Can Repel Mice, Spiders

    Essential Oils Can Repel Mice, Spiders     Sometimes the most natural methods work best. You can get rid of mice using a reliable old snap-trap, and nothing takes out spiders like a rolled-up newspaper. But if you want to get rid of spiders and mice with minimal force, essential oils may be...
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  • Beat the common cold oils

    Beat the common cold with these 6 essential oils       If you’re struggling with a cold or the flu, here are 6 essential oils to incorporate into your sick day routine, to help you sleep, relax and boost your mood.   1. LAVENDER   One of the most popular essential oils is lavender. Lave...
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  • Essential oil perfume

    4 essential oils that will work wonders as perfume       Pure essential oils have many benefits to them. They are used for better skin, and hair and also for aroma therapies. Apart from these, essential oils can also be applied directly to the skin and work wonders as a natural perfume. They...
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  • Rose water

    Rose Water Benefits and Uses      Rose water has been used for centuries in natural skin care and beauty products, perfumes, household cleansers, and even in cooking. According to dermatologists, due to its natural antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory abilities, rose water can m...
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  • Jojoba oil

    Jojoba Oil Benefits for Face, Hair, Body and More         What is organic jojoba oil best for? Today, it’s commonly used to treat acne, sunburn, psoriasis and chapped skin. It’s also used by people who are balding since it encourages hair regrowth. Because it’s an emollient, it soothes...
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