

Petitgrain oil



The health benefits of petitgrain essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, anti-depressant, deodorant, nervine, and a sedative substance. Citrus fruits are treasure troves of wonderful medicinal properties and this has earned them a significant place in the world of aromatherapy and herbal medicines. Time and again we find essential oils derived from the well-known citrus fruit, none other than the refreshing and the thirst-quenching “Orange”. The botanical name of orange is Citrus aurantium. You might think that we have already studied the essential oil derived from orange. The question, therefore, is how is this one different? The essential oil of oranges is extracted from the peels of oranges by cold compression, while the essential oil of petitgrain is extracted from the fresh leaves and young and tender twigs of the orange tree through steam distillation. The chief constituents of this oil are gamma terpineol, geraniol, geranyl acetate, linalool, linalyl acetate, myrcene, neryl acetate and trans ocimene. You might also remember that Neroli essential oil is also derived from the flowers of oranges. No part of this citrus plant goes to waste. It is extremely beneficial. Are you still confused regarding its name? This oil was previously extracted from green and young oranges, which were the size of peas – hence the name Petitgrain. This oil is extensively used in the perfume and cosmetics industries, as well as in food and beverages as a flavoring agent, due to its remarkable aroma.


Health Benefits of Petitgrain Essential Oil

Apart from being used in aromatherapy, the Petitgrain oil has numerous uses in herbal medicine. Its medicinal uses are listed and explained below.


Prevents Sepsis

Almost all of us are well acquainted with the word “septic” and hear it frequently in our daily life, but seldom do we try to investigate into its details. All we care to know is that whenever we get a wound, it is enough to stick a “Band-Aid” or any other medicated strip on it or apply an antiseptic lotion or cream on it and it is over. If it still gets worse and there is reddish swelling around the wound, then we go to the doctor, he pushes in an injection, and the matter is settled. Have you ever wondered whether you can get septic even without wounds?



Sometimes, we suffer from continuous exhausting coughs, abdominal and muscular cramps, congestion, intestinal pulls, and convulsions but are unable to detect the reason behind them. There is always the possibility that these are being caused by spasms. Spasms are unwanted, involuntary, and excessive contractions of the muscles, tissues, and nerves. Spasms in respiratory organs such as lungs and respiratory tracts can result in congestion, breathing troubles and coughs, while in the muscles and intestines, it can give painful cramps and abdominal aches. Similarly, spasms of the nerves can result in afflictions, convulsions, and can even trigger hysteric attacks. The treatment relaxes the affected parts of the body. An anti-spasmodic substance does precisely this. The essential oil of petitgrain, being anti-spasmodic in nature, induces relaxation in the tissues, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, thereby helping to cure spasms.


Reduces Anxiety

The relaxing effect of Petitgrain essential oil helps overcome depression and other problems such as anxiety, stress, anger, and fear. It uplifts the mood and induces positive thinking.



The refreshing, energizing, and delightfully woody yet floral fragrance of Petitgrain essential oil does not leave any trace of body odor. It also curbs the growth of bacteria in those parts of the body that are always subjected to heat and sweat and remain covered by clothes so sunlight cannot reach them. In this way, this essential oil prevents body odor and various skin infections which result from these bacterial growths.


Nervine Tonic

This oil has a very good reputation as a nerve tonic. It has a soothing and relaxing effect on the nerves and protects them from the adverse effects of shock, anger, anxiety, and fear. Petitgrain essential oil is equally efficient in calming nervous afflictions, convulsions, and epileptic and hysteric attacks. Finally, it strengthens the nerves and the nervous system as a whole.


Treats Insomnia

Petitgrain essential oil is a good sedative for all sorts of nervous crises such as afflictions, irritations, inflammations, anxiety, and sudden anger. It can also be used to treat problems like abnormal palpitations, hypertension, and insomnia.


Other Benefits

It is good for maintaining the moisture and oil balance of the skin as well as for treating acne, pimples, abnormal sweating (those who suffer from nervousness have this problem), dryness and cracking of the skin, and ringworm. It helps relieve fatigue during pregnancy. It also soothes nausea and eliminates the urge to vomit, since it is an anti-emetic. When used in the summer, it gives a cool and refreshing feeling.


If you want to know more about petitgrain essential oil, please feel free to contact me.We are Ji’an ZhongXiang Natural Plants Co.,Ltd.


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Post time: May-06-2023