

Prickly Pear Cactus Seed Oil

Prickly Pear Cactus Seed Oil

Prickly Pear Cactus is a delicious fruit that has seeds that contain oil. The oil is extracted by cold-pressed method and known as Cactus Seed Oil or Prickly Pear Cactus Oil. Prickly Pear Cactus is found in many regions of Mexico. It is now common in many semi-arid zones of the world.
Our Organic Cactus Seed oil is from Morocco. The plant is called the name ‘Miracle plant,’ as it can survive water scarcity and still produce healthy, juicy fruits. We extract the pure refined prickly pear oil from the black seeds of the fruit. The manufacturing of Prickly Pear Seed Herbal Medicinal Oil is done by following high international standards.
Natural Cactus Seed oil carries fatty acids, nutrients, phenols, phytosterols, antioxidants, and Vitamin E. Prickly Pear Cactus oil is used as a skincare product to Nourish Skin, heal acne, psoriasis, sunburn, cuts, scars, etc. Cactus herbal and medicinal oil is also suitable for Hair Care.

Prickly Pear Cactus Oil Uses


Organic Cactus Seed oil plays a vital role in Aromatherapy. Prickly Pear Herbal Medicinal oil has anti-stress properties that help to reduce stress and anxiety. It cools down the nerves and allows you to relax. It keeps the mind fresh and stress-free.

Candle Making

Pure Prickly Pear Seed oil has a sweet fruity, nutty aroma. It is ideal for making scented candles. Manufacturers prefer cactus herbal oil for its lingering fragrance and refreshing aura. When you light the candles, there’s a sweet essence which will uplift the mood.

Cosmetic Products

Our Organic Cactus Seed oil is used with Skincare creams and Cosmetics. Organic Prickly Pear herbal oil can retain water for a long time. It helps in nourishing the skin and locking the moisture. Natural Prickly pear cactus seed prevents dry and rough skin.

Soap Making

Rich exfoliating properties of Prickly Pear Cactus oil make it suitable for soap manufacturing. When infused in soaps, Prickly pear herbal medicinal oil does deep cleansing and removes dead cells from the skin. It cactus keeps the skin smooth and supple.

Under Eye Creams

Dark Circles are a common issue in today’s world. Prickly Pear Cactus oil help in getting rid of this issue. Pure cactus herbal oil is rich in essential fatty acids that have skin brightening properties. It reduces the dark circles, lightens and brightens your skin.

Hair Care Products

Natural Cactus Seed oil is very beneficial for hair treatment. Prickly pear herbal medicinal oil prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth. The vitamin E-rich oil adds volume and shine to your hair. Apply pure cactus oil daily to get a quick result.

Cactus Seed Oil Benefits

Tighten Skin Pores

Pure Cactus seed oil has many fatty acids in its primary constituent. The essential fatty acids help in keeping the collagen layer of the skin moist and healthy. Pure Prickly Pear seed oil keeps your skin pores tight.

Conditions Hair

You can use natural Cactus Seed oil with your go-to hair conditioner. The herbal oil has conditioning properties that heal rough hair and split-ends. You can directly apply cactus oil after washing with shampoo.


Our pure Prickly Pear Cactus oil works as an anti-aging agent. The herbal medicinal oil has a high amount of Betalains which are antioxidants with anti-aging properties. It helps in slowing down the aging effects on your skin.

Reduces Acne

Natural Cactus Seed oil is rich in amino acids. The amino acids in prickly pear seed oil herbal oil promote collagen production and encourage faster cell turnover. When you apply prickly pear oil to the affected areas, it heals and renews the skin.

Induces Good Sleep

Natural Cactus Seed oil brings in good and sound sleep. It has sedative properties that cool down your nerves and relaxes the mind. Apply prickly pear oil on your temples and behind the ears before sleeping to get a sound and peaceful sleep.


Prickly Pear Cactus oil protects your skin from UV rays and gives comfort from sunburn. You can apply this oil with your sunscreen cream. It provides relief to you from the redness of your skin and keeps it tan-free.

Oil Factory Contact :

Whatsapp: +8619379610844

Post time: Jun-08-2024