

Ravensara Oil—What It is & Benefits For Health

What It is ?

Ravensara is a rare and beloved essential oil from the Laurel plant family in Madagascar. It’s unsustainably and irresponsibly overharvested across Madagascar, unfortunately threatening the species and making it very rare and difficult to find.  

Also known colloquially as clove-nutmeg, it has a clean, camphorous, and slightly fruity aroma. It’s aromatic profile is perhaps closest to eucalyptus, but ravensara’s scent is more balanced, pleasant, and gentle.

This multifaceted essential oil is a powerhouse for a myriad of ailments. With its antiviral, antimicrobial, and pain-relieving properties, and ability to support breath and reduce coughs, it’s a comforting ally for holistic health.

Benefits For Health

  •  Reduce Stress

The essential oil of Ravensara has been celebrated for centuries due to its relaxing and soothing properties. It is very good at inducing relaxation in cases of tension, stress, anxiety, and other nervous and neurological problems. It also calms and soothes nervous afflictions and disorders.

  •  Promote Urination

The diuretic property of the essential oil of Ravensara may facilitate the removal of waste substances and toxins from the body by increasing urination, both in frequency and in quantity. It may also help remove excess water, salt, and fat from the body, thus keeping it safe from diseases associated with an accumulation of toxins, including rheumatism, gout, arthritis, acne, and boils. It can also reduce dangerous accumulations of water, known as edema, and salt, which can lead to hypertension and water retention in the body. Furthermore, it makes you feel lighter and facilitates digestion as well.

  •  Act as a Disinfectant

What causes infections? Quite simply, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. As you have probably guessed, Ravensara essential oil can stop the growth of these bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa, and can eliminate them as an ideal disinfectant. It is equally effective both internally and externally. It also disinfects the space within its aromatic reach if used in fumigants, vaporizers, and sprays. The added benefits are a sweet fragrance and no adverse side effects like many other synthetic disinfectants on the market.

  •  Relieve Spasms

People that are suffering from severe coughs, breathlessness, cramps, diarrhea, pulling pain in the abdomen, nervous afflictions, or convulsions due to spasms can find good relief using this oil. It fights spasms and induces relaxation in muscles and nerves.

  •  Reduce Pain

The analgesic property of Ravensara oil may make it an effective remedy for many types of pain, including toothaches, headaches, muscular and joint pain, and earaches.

  •  Reduce Depression

This oil is very good for countering depression and giving a boost to positive thoughts and feelings of hope. It may uplift your mood, relax the mind, and invoke energy and sensations of hope and joy. If this essential oil is systematically administered to patients suffering from chronic depression, it can help them gradually come out of that difficult situation.

Are you looking for premium quality Ravensara oil? If you are interested in this versatile oil, our company will be your best choice. We are Ji’an ZhongXiang Natural Plants Co.,Ltd.

Or you can contact me.



Post time: Mar-20-2023