

Rosemary essential oil can care for your hair like this!

Rosemary essential oil can care for your hair like this!

Hair reflects the health of the human body. Normally, a person will lose 50-100 hairs every day and will grow a similar number of hairs at the same time. But if it exceeds 100 hairs, you should be careful. Traditional Chinese medicine says that “the hair is the excess of blood”, and it also says that “the hair is the essence of the kidneys”. When the human body’s circulation is poor and blood nutrients cannot nourish the scalp, the hair gradually loses its vitality. Hair loss is still a worry for many people. Every time you comb your hair, there are countless hairs falling out on the bathroom and floor. What to do if you lose a lot of hair? Rosemary essential oil is particularly helpful for scalp disorders. It can improve dandruff and stimulate hair growth, and can prevent seborrheic alopecia. If the hair follicles are not dead yet, you can use rosemary essential oil to prevent hair loss.

How to use rosemary essential oil to prevent hair loss:

The method of using rosemary essential oil to prevent hair loss is very simple. After washing your hair, add 2 drops of rosemary essential oil to a basin of water and immerse your scalp in the water for 2-3 minutes; or use a simpler method, use 2 drops of rosemary essential oil. Rinse your hair with rosemary essential oil and pat dry. You can also mix rosemary essential oil into shampoo, or dilute it with carrier oil, and gently massage your scalp for 10 minutes before washing your hair.

Rosemary essential oil tips for preventing hair loss:

1. Wash and clean your hair frequently: Because your hair is often exposed to the outside, it will be infected by bacteria in the air. When the bacteria mix with the secretions of the sebaceous glands on the head, they will turn into dandruff and dirt, so you must wash your hair frequently to keep it clean. Keep your hair clean so it will be healthier, shiny and bouncy.

2. Minimize damage to hair by perming and dyeing: Many friends often perm and dye their hair in order to have a beautiful appearance. Over time, the agents in hair perming and dyeing will not only damage the scalp and hair follicles, but also make the hair lose its luster and become dull. It is fragile and easy to fall off, causing premature aging and hair loss, and even the appearance of white hair.
3. Maintain good blood circulation: If you want your hair to grow healthily, you can perform appropriate massage every day and comb your hair with a comb. It can also remove loose skin and dirt on the hair. It can also promote blood circulation in the head and nourish the scalp. Moderate stimulation makes hair softer, more shiny, and more importantly, tougher and less likely to fall out.
4. Choose shampoo carefully: Since everyone’s hair quality is different, when choosing shampoo, remember to first confirm your hair type, whether it is oily, neutral or dry. Only after you determine your hair type , can you choose the corresponding shampoo and match it with hair cream, hair gel, hair wax and other products that match your hair type. In addition, when washing your hair, be sure to rinse the shampoo products thoroughly. If the residue is left in the hair It is also the cause of hair loss.


Precautions for using rosemary essential oil to prevent hair loss:
Rosemary essential oil is highly irritating and is not suitable for patients with high blood pressure and epilepsy. In addition, it has a menstrual effect, so women should not use it during pregnancy.


Post time: Mar-25-2024