

Sandalwood Essential Oil Benefits 

Are you looking for an increase in a sense of calmness and greater mental clarity in your day-to-day life? Many of us are simply stressed out and overwhelmed with so many daily demands. To have just a moment of peace and harmony would really help improve our lives, and sandalwood essential oil can help.

Sandalwood essential oil — not be confused with cedarwood essential oil — helps users achieve more clarity and calmness due to its extensive therapeutic benefits. This special essential oil doesn’t just have an amazing scent, but sandalwood can also have an effect on overall well-being and mental health, along with many other surprising healing properties.



What Is Sandalwood Essential Oil?

Sandalwood essential oil is commonly known for its woodsy, sweet smell. It is frequently used as a base for products such as incense, perfumes, cosmetics and aftershave. It also easily blends well with other oils.

Traditionally, sandalwood oil is a part of religious traditions in India and other Eastern countries. The sandalwood tree itself is considered holy, used for various religious ceremonies, including weddings and births.

Sandalwood oil is one of the most expensive essential oils available on the market today. The highest-quality sandalwood is the Indian variety, known as Santalum album. Hawaii and Australia also produce sandalwood, but it’s not considered to be of the same quality and purity as the Indian variety.

In order to get the most benefit from this essential oil, the sandalwood tree must grow for at least 40–80 years before the roots can be harvested. An older, more mature sandalwood tree typically produces an essential oil with a stronger smell.




1. Mental Clarity

One of the primary sandalwood benefits is that it promotes mental clarity when used in aromatherapy or as a fragrance. This is why it’s often used for meditation, prayer or other spiritual rituals.

A study published in the international journal Planta Medica evaluated the effect of sandalwood oil on attention and arousal levels. The researchers found that sandalwood’s main compound, alpha-santalol, generated high ratings of attentiveness and mood.

Inhale some sandalwood oil next time you have a big deadline that requires mental focus, but you still want to remain calm during the process.

2. Relaxing and Calming

Along with lavender and chamonile, sandalwood commonly makes the list  of essentials oils used in aromatherapy to stress relieve anxiety and depression.

A study published in the Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found that patients who were receiving palliative care felt much more relaxed and less anxious when they received aromatherapy with sandalwood prior to receiving care, compared to patients who did not receive sandalwood.

3. Natural Aphrodisiac

Practitioners of  Ayurvedic medicine traditionally use sandalwood as an aphrodisiac. Since it’s a natural substance that can increase sexual desire, sandalwood helps increase libido and may help men with impotence.

To use sandalwood oil as a natural aphrodisiac, try adding a couple of drops to massage oil or topical lotion.


Post time: Oct-14-2023