

Sandalwood essential oil turns out to have these four major effects. No wonder it is so precious!

In sacred religious places, the aroma of sandalwood is often smelled because it has an excellent calming effect. During meditation and prayer, it can help confused minds find their way and inject calming power into emotions.

Sandalwood, which symbolizes a high status, is often made into perfume. It not only has a calm aroma, but also has multiple effects on the body and mind. Today, Dongmei will take you to learn about the preciousness of sandalwood essential oil. at~



The calming effect of sandalwood has been proven to reduce anxiety. Sandalwood essential oil contains 80 to 90% santalol. In 2011, Japanese researchers also used santalol in experiments. Finally, they found in various reactions that sandalwood Incense does soothe anxious conditions in the nervous system.


Just a small amount of sandalwood essential oil can help relax tense nerves. Use sandalwood as a diffuser at any time you feel anxious, including before bed, to relieve excess stress.



Anti-aging sandalwood essential oil can promote metabolism and has a good antioxidant effect. In 2013, experimental results on diabetic mice were published in “Journal Phytomedicine”, confirming that the α-santalol contained in sandalwood essential oil can bring them anti-aging benefits. to get good results.



Anti-inflammation Canadian scientists have discovered that extracts of α-santalol and β-santalol have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, and have similar effects to anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen).




Skin Repair Sandalwood has antibacterial effects. When used on the skin, it can protect the skin from bacterial intrusion and keep the skin in a clean state. Its safety is especially suitable for aging skin. It has astringent and firming properties and can be used in lotions. Drop in sandalwood essential oil as a maintenance treatment.


Most sandalwood is produced in Indonesia, and part of the sandalwood essential oil is extracted from the heart of the wood. However, due to the increasing demand, the price has soared, and it takes a long time to grow to the mature stage. We must pay more attention to our sandalwood. Amount and use of essential oils.



In terms of application, with a caring attitude, how can you use a small amount of sandalwood essential oil to maximize its effectiveness? We need to understand the properties of sandalwood essential oil so that we can achieve its maximum therapeutic effect without wasting it.



In addition to improving mood and skin problems, sandalwood has significant antibacterial effects. When cleaning the home, it can also be used to purify the air and prevent colds. Its multiple functions make it an essential oil that cannot be easily replaced.


If you also have the above problems, just use a small amount of sandalwood essential oil to achieve good results. At the same time, you should also pay attention to whether your symptoms can be solved by sandalwood, so that every drop of essential oil can exert its maximum potential. , so as not to waste the precious essence of nature.








Post time: Sep-28-2023