



Black Sesame Oil is extracted from the seeds of Sesamum Indicum through cold pressing method. It belongs to the Pedaliaceae family of plantae kingdom. It is believed to be originated in Asia or Africa, in the warm temperate regions. It is one of the oldest Oilseed crops known by human race that has been around for centuries. It has been used by Egyptians to make flours and Chinese people for over 3000 years. It is one of the few food products that is literally the part of every cuisine in the world. It is popularly added to Chinese snacks and noodles for enhancing flavours, and used as a cooking oil as well.

Unrefined Black Sesame Carrier Oil is derived from the unpeeled seeds, and is rich in essential fatty acids of high grade. It is rich in Oleic, Palmitic, Linoleic and Stearic acid, that all play a significant role in hydrating skin cells and makes it an effective moisturizer. It is filled with antioxidants and vitamins that helps protect skin against Sun rays and UV damage. It also fights free radicals, that damage skin cell membranes, cause dulling and darkening of skin. With its nourishing quality, it is a potential treatment for skin conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis and others. And one of the blockbuster and popular quality of Black Sesame Seed oil is nourishing scalp and promoting hair growth. It prevents scalp form dandruff, itchiness and flakiness and that results in a healthy scalp.

Black Sesame Oil is mild in nature and suitable for all skin types. Although useful alone, it is mostly added to skin care products and cosmetic product like: Creams, Lotions/Body Lotions, Anti-ageing Oils, Anti-acne gels, Body Scrubs, Face washes, Lip Balm, Facial wipes, Hair care products, etc.

黑芝麻油 - 芝麻 indicum - 冷压 1000 毫升 - 第 1 张/共 2 张


Moisturizing: Black Sesame oil is rich in Oleic, Palmitic and Linoleic acid, that hydrates skin and nourishes it deeply. It works as a natural moisturizer for skin, and keeps skin nourished for longer time periods. It gets easily absorbed in the skin and locks moisture inside the tissues. And with the help of Vitamins, it forms a protective layer on skin and prevents moisture loss as well.

Healthy ageing: Black Sesame oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, that fight off the damaging free radicals. These free radicals are the reason for dulling, damaging and premature ageing of skin. Antioxidants restrict their activity, and reduce the appearance of dull skin, it has a special antioxidant called Sesamol, that reduces the appearance of fine lines, pigmentation and basically all signs of premature ageing.

Anti-acne: Black Sesame Oil is antibacterial in nature; it fights off the acne causing bacteria and reduce the appearance of pimples. It also has Stearic acid, that clears out pores and removes the extra oil, dirt and pollutants accumulated in the pores. Black Sesame Seed oil nourishes skin tissues and gives brain signal to stop producing excess sebum or oil. It balances oil production in the skin and maintains a healthy skin type.

Prevents skin infection: Black Sesame oil is highly nourishing oil; it penetrates skin layers deeply and prevent roughness and dryness of skin. It also has antifungal and antibacterial qualities, that fights off the infection causing bacteria and prevents skin against various issues. It makes skin moisturized and smooth, and leaves a thin layer of oil on skin.

Scalp health: Black Sesame oil is an anti-microbial oil, that keeps scalp moisturized. It prevents any kind of microbial activity in the scalp. It eliminates roughness and flakiness from the scalp, and calms down irritation in the scalp. It also prevents hair color by retaining pigmentation in hair follicles. In addition, it keeps scalp nourished and prevents dryness that can cause dandruff.

Hair growth: Black Sesame oil has two compounds called Nigellone and Thymoquinone, which are a boon for hair growth. Thymoquinone helps in fighting inflammation in the roots that cause breakage and hair fall. Whereas Nigellone nourishes hair follicles and promotes the growth of new and stronger hair.

黑芝麻油 - 芝麻 indicum - 冷压 1000 毫升 - 第 2 张/共 2 张


Skin Care Products: Black Sesame oil has been an ancient oil in skin care, it is still used by Indian women for glowing skin. It is now being commercially added to products that focus on repairing skin and preventing early signs of ageing. It is used in making creams, moisturizers and facial gels for Acne prone and Dry skin type as well. It can be added to overnight hydration creams masks for tissue repair and skin renewal.

Hair care Products: It has great benefits for hair, it can be used to make products for removing dandruff and preventing hair fall. Black Sesame Seed oil is added to shampoos and hair oils, that promote hair growth and preserve hair color. You can also use it before head wash to clean scalp and increase scalp health.

Infection Treatment: Black Sesame oil is used in making infection treatment for dry skin conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis and Dermatitis. All these are also inflammatory problems and that’s why Black Sesame Seed oil is beneficial in treating them. It will sooth down irritated skin and reduce inflammation in the affected area.

Cosmetic Products and Soap Making: Black Sesame Oil is used in making products like lotions, shower gels, bathing gels, scrubs, etc. It increases the moisturization in the products, and adds a slight nutty aroma to it. It is more evidently added to products made for dry and mature skin type, as it promotes cell repair and rejuvenation of skin.


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Post time: Oct-11-2024