

The Powerful Benefits of Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot essential oil is extracted from the peel of bergamot. Generally, good bergamot essential oil is pressed by hand. Its characteristics are fresh and elegant taste, similar to the taste of orange and lemon, with a slightly floral smell. An essential oil often used in perfumes. It evaporates quickly, so when using it, be sure to cap the bottle as soon as possible.

Main functions

Treats sunburn, psoriasis, acne, and improves greasy and unclean skin;

It has obvious antibacterial effect and is effective in treating eczema, psoriasis, acne, scabies, varicose veins, wounds, blisters, seborrheic dermatitis of the skin and scalp;

It is especially beneficial for oily skin. It can balance the secretion of sebaceous glands in oily skin. When used together with eucalyptus, it has excellent effects on skin ulcers.

Physiological treatment

A very good urethral antibacterial agent, very effective in treating urethral inflammation and improving cystitis;

Can relieve indigestion, flatulence, colic, and loss of appetite;

Excellent gastrointestinal antibacterial agent, expels intestinal parasites and significantly eliminates gallstones.


It can both comfort and uplift, so it is the best choice for anxiety, depression, and mental stress;

Its invigorating effect is different from the stimulating effect and can help people relax.


Post time: Apr-20-2024