

Thuja Essential Oil

Thuja Essential Oil

Extracted from the Thuja leaves from steam distillation, Thuja Oil or Arborvitae Oil is widely used in hair care products. It proves to be an effective insect repellent as well. Due to its disinfectant properties, it is added to several cleansing and skincare products. Thuja Oil exhibits a fresh herbal scent and is added to cosmetics as a base.

Natural Thuja Essential Oil possesses skin brightening effects and its soothing effects provides relief from skin irritation. It has been used traditionally for treating foot infections and it also heals some skin conditions. It is also incorporated in fragrances and deodorants as an active ingredient. Haircare products contain arborvitae oil as it balances scalp health and controls dandruff formation.

Arborvitae essential oil possesses astringent properties and is also suitable for aromatherapy due to its soothing scent. Makers of soaps and cosmetic applications prefer it as a fragrance enhancer in their products. Due to its nourishing and skin-friendly qualities, it is incorporated into daily skincare and face care regimes. It is included in oriental medicine for hair care purposes. People suffering from respiratory and throat infections can get instant relief by inhaling of Organic Thuja Oil.

Thuja Oil Benefits

Balances Mood

Camphoraceous and herbal fragrance of thuja oil can balance your mood and regulates your thought process. It also provides relief from stress and negative thoughts. Diffuse it to resolve issues like low mood and fatigue.

Reduces Pain

Strong anti-inflammatory effects of organic arborvitae essential oil gives relief from joint and muscle aches. It is sometimes incorporated in treatment of issues like osteoarthritis and also improves bone and muscle strength.

Heals Respiratory Tract Infections

Cold sores, bronchitis, and other types of respiratory tract infections can be treated effectively with Thuja Oil. It is also effective against skin infections. Breathing issues like congestion can also be resolved by using it.

Relief Ringworm

Athlete’s foot or ringworm can be quite discomforting and painful. Natural Arborvitae Oil provides instant relief from ringworm and prevents its formation as well. Therefore, It is found in several creams that treat ringworm.

Effective Against Skin Tags

Skin tags do not cause pain and usually grow in clusters on neck, back, and other parts of body. They are not aesthetically pleasing. Thuja Essential Oil is effective against skin tags and is also effective against moles.

Heal Lipomas

Lipomas that are fatty lumps appearing on your body after injuries. Though harmless, it can be discomforting and aesthetically unappealing. Thuja Oil applied to lipomas to reduce their size and appearance naturally. It is blended with tea tree oil to obtain faster results.

if you are interested in this oil you can contact with me, below is my contact information

Post time: Jul-01-2023