

Toothache Relief, Ingredients and Uses of Clove Essential Oil

Clove essential oil is a natural essential oil extracted from the leaves, buds and stems of the clove tree.

Lilac trees are mainly distributed in tropical areas of Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.


Properties: Yellow to brown-red liquid with spicy, sweet and eugenol aroma.


Solubility (mg/mL): Soluble in vegetable oil, propylene glycol, benzyl benzoate, diethyl phthalate, ethanol, ether and glacial acetic acid, etc., insoluble in water, glycerol and mineral oil.


The main purpose

1.Skin efficacy

Reduce swelling and anti-inflammation, treat skin ulcers and wound inflammation, treat scabies, promote healing; improve rough skin.


2.Physiological effects

It can inhibit the growth of bacteria and microorganisms and is non-irritating to human mucosal tissue after dilution, so it can be safely used in dental and oral treatments.

It has the effects of strengthening the stomach, reducing bloating, promoting flatulence, and reducing nausea, regurgitation and bad breath caused by stomach fermentation. Relieves abdominal pain caused by diarrhea.

Reduce the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. Cloves have the effect of purifying the air. Using a diffuser and breathing can increase the body’s antibacterial ability. Adding 3-5 drops of clove to the aromatherapy burner has an excellent sterilization effect. Using it in winter will make the body more resistant to bacteria and make people feel warm.


3. Psychological effects

It relieves the unpleasantness or chest tightness caused by emotional depression; its aphrodisiac effect also helps improve sexual impotence and frigidity.


Clove essential oil is a very powerful essential oil and can be used in low doses of 1%; it cannot be used directly in baths and must be mixed with lotion before being dripped into the water.







Post time: Sep-28-2023