





Unrefined Walnut oil has a warm, nutty aroma that is soothing to senses. Walnut oil is rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, mainly Linolenic and Oleic acid, which are both Dons of Skin care world. They have extra nourishing benefits for skin and can make it soft, supple and smooth. Nourishing properties of Walnut oil, combined with its healing and restorative action have effective results on ageing skin type. It prevents the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The same properties benefit hair and scalp as well, Walnut oil can nourish scalp, reduce dandruff and itching and also promote hair growth. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-infectious compounds that support and protect skin against aliments like Psoriasis and Eczema.

Walnut Oil is mild in nature and suitable for all skin types. Although useful alone, it is mostly added to skin care products and cosmetic product like: Creams, Lotions/Body Lotions, Anti-ageing Oils, Anti-acne gels, Body Scrubs, Face washes, Lip Balm, Facial wipes, Hair care products, etc.





Moisturizing: Walnut oil is filled with fatty acids like Oleic and Linolenic which each has a different function. Oleic acid is known for making skin soft and supple, by nourishing it deeply. While Linolenic acid protects skin barrier against water loss and locks the provided moisture inside skin tissues. Vitamin E content present in Walnut oil, also strengthens skin’s natural barrier against environmental damage.

Healthy ageing: Walnut oil is filled with powerful antioxidants and Vitamin E which is both; an antioxidant and a hydrating agent. With the combined action, walnut oil can prevent skin from early signs of ageing. It helps in restoring damaged skin tissues and healing cracks and scars of skin. And the antioxidative action protects skin cells against free radical damage that causes premature ageing. It can potentially reduce fine lines, wrinkles and marks on skin by forming a protective layer of moisture on skin. And even the early Romans of 17th century believed that Walnut oil can reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Reduces Dark circles: Walnut oil is useful in fading dark circles and bags under the eyes and soothes the sensitive skin around the eyes. Massaging lukewarm walnut oil lightens the skin, makes it healthier and restores its natural glow.

Prevents Environmental stress: Walnut oil is rich in antioxidants that can bind with the damage causing free radicals. It restricts their movement and activity and gives skin an extra layer of protection against environmental stressors like pollution, sun damage, dirt etc. It also prevents trans dermal loss, that is loss of moisture from the first layer of skin. This gives the strength to fight and protect its natural form.

Prevents skin infection: Walnut oil can calm down irritation and inflammation on skin with the help of its anti-inflammatory nature. It sooths down itching and redness on skin, and hydrates skin deeply. It prevents skin from gets dry and rough as well, that’s why it is beneficial in treating skin aliments like Eczema, Psoriasis and Flakiness of skin. It helps in reviving skin tissues, that fastens the healing process. In addition, it is also anti-infectious in nature, that gives skin protection against infection causing bacteria.

Scalp health: Walnut can help your hair by double action, it can ease out any kind of itching and irritation, and treat inflammation of scalp. And then it nourishes scalp, that reduces and prevents dandruff and flakiness of scalp. It can also protect scalp against microbial action, that causes foul smell, greasiness and lice.

Hair growth: Essential fatty acids present in Walnut oil helps in promoting hair growth and thickness. Linolenic acid covers hair strands and hair follicles, that keeps hair from breaking in the middle and split ends as well. Whereas, Oleic acid nourishes scalp, tighten hair pores and promote the growth of new hair follicles. It can make hair bouncy, soft and full volume.

Reduces Dandruff: Walnut oil is one of the best cures to get rid of dandruff. It helps the skin in making hair glossy and strengthening along with hydrating them which eventually helps in getting rid of dandruff.

Accentuate Hair colour: Walnut oil can prevent your hair from greying by accentuating its natural colour. The assorted protein of the oil is known to be responsible for this. It also adds beautiful shine and amazing smoothness to your locks.



Walnut Oil as an Oil Painting Medium






Skin Care Products: Walnut oil is popularly added to skin care products for mature skin type, like overnight hydration creams, under eye gels, etc. It can revive dead skin cells and tissues that’s why it is perfect to use for sensitive and dry skin types. If you have any such skin type, Walnut oil is one of the best natural moisturizers. It is also used in making normal moisturizers, lotions, sheet masks and other skin care products.

Hair care Products: Although Walnut oil is very useful for hair itself, it is still added to shampoos and other hair oils to make them more nourishing and hydrating for hair. It increases hydration content of these products and strengthens hair from the roots. It is especially added to products for scalp repair and for hair growth.

Infection Treatment: Walnut oil is added to infection treatment for dry skin conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis and Dermatitis. It has extraordinary anti-inflammatory benefits for dry and inflamed skin. Its helps skin restore layers and prevents it from getting rough and flaky. It nourishes skin deeply and locks moisture inside skin tissues. Adding Walnut oil increases benefits of infection treatments and increase the healing rate.

Cosmetic Products and Soap Making: Walnut Oil is used in making products like lotions, shower gels, bathing gels, scrubs, etc. it is especially added to products for dry, sensitive and mature skin type. Its anti-inflammatory, healing, skin reviving and nourishing benefits are useful for such skin types. It increases the hydration content of products and gives it a sweet, nutty scent.



Walnut Oil - HJOPC


Amanda 名片






Post time: Apr-19-2024