

What Is Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is made by pressing dried coconut meat, called copra, or fresh coconut meat. To make it, you can use a “dry” or “wet” method.

The milk and oil from the coconut are pressed, and then the oil is removed. It has a firm texture at cool or room temperatures because the fats in the oil, which are mostly saturated fats, are made up of smaller molecules.

At temperatures about 78 degrees Fahrenheit, it liquifies. It also has a smoke point of about 350 degrees, making it a great option for sautéed dishes, sauces and baked goods.

This oil is also easily absorbed into the skin because of its smaller fat molecules, making coconut oil for skin a viable skin and scalp moisturizer.



Coconut Oil Benefits


According to medical research, the health benefits of coconut oil include the following:


1. Helps Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

The digestion of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) by the liver creates ketones that are readily accessible by the brain for energy. Ketones supply energy to the brain without the need for insulin to process glucose into energy.

Research has shown that the brain actually creates its own insulin  to process glucose and power brain cells. Studies also suggest that as the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient loses the ability to create its own insulin, the could create an alternate source of energy to help repair brain function.

A 2020 review highlights  the role of medium chain triglycerides (such as MCT oil) in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease because of their neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


2. Aids in Prevention of Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure

Coconut oil is high in natural saturated fats. Saturated fats not only  increase the healthy cholesterol (known as HDL cholesterol)  in your body, but also help convert the LDL “bad” cholesterol into good cholesterols.

A randomized crossover trial published in Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that daily consumption of two tablespoons of virgin coconut oil in young, healthy adults significantly increased HDL cholesterol. Plus, no major safety issues of taking virgin coconut oil daily  for eight weeks were reported.

Another more recent study, published in 2020, had the same results and concluded that coconut oil consumption results in significantly higher HDL cholesterol than nontropical vegetable oils. By increasing the HDL in the body, it helps promote heart health and lower the risk of heart disease.


3. Treats UTI and Kidney Infection and Protects the Liver

Coconut oil has been known to clear up and improve UTI symptoms and kidney infections. The MCFAs in the oil work as a natural antibiotic by disrupting the lipid coating on bacteria and killing them.


4. Building Muscle and Losing Body Fat

Research suggests that MCFAs aren’t just good for burning fat and decreasing metabolic syndrome — they are also great for building muscle. The MCFAs found in coconut are also used in popular muscle-building products like Muscle Milke.

The vast majority of heavily produced supplements, however, use processed forms of MCFAs. By eating actual coconuts instead, you get the “real deal,” so try adding a half-tablespoons of the oil to a homemade protein smoothie.


Post time: Oct-14-2023