

Wintergreen oil

What is the wintergreen oil 


       Wintergreen oil is a benefical essential oil​ that`s extracted from the leaves of the evergreen plant. Once steeped in in warm water, beneficial enzymes within wintergreen leaves called are released, which are then concentrated into an easy-to-use extract formula using steam distillation.



Wintergreen Oil Uses


​   Wintergreen is one of the best sources of this inflammation-fighting compound in the world and believed to be one of only several plants that naturally supply enough to form an extract. Birch essential oil also contains methyl salicylate and therefore has similar tension-reducing benefits and uses.

​ Some of its uses include helping treat fatigue along with lung, sinus and respiratory illnesses. This oil is naturally an antioxidant, energizing and immune-enhancing, since it lowers inflammation and reduces pain.

     Wintergreen is absorbed into skin quickly and acts like a numbing agent, similar to cortisone. It also promotes blood circulation and cools irritation, which is comforting to swollen skin.

    You’ll find this oil used as an active ingredient in many topical pain relievers to help ease muscle joint and bone pain. Today, it’s commonly used for reducing other painful conditions, too.

     For example, wintergreen is used to help with headaches, chronic nerve pain, PMS symptoms and arthritis. This is because wintergreen naturally contains active constituents that work similarly to aspirin.


Wintergreen Essential Oil Benefits

1. Muscle Pain Relief

Ever try a pain-relieving muscle rub that smelled like menthol or mint? Chances are the product included peppermint or wintergreen oils because both are considered “counterirritants.”

Studies suggest that wintergreen is capable of reducing inflammatory responses and reliving infection, swelling and pain.

2. Cold and Flu Treatment

Wintergreen leaves contain an aspirin-like chemical that can help reduce pain, congestion, swelling and fever associated with common illnesses.

To open your nasal passages and breathe more deeply, combine wintergreen and coconut oil together, and then rub them into your chest and upper back just like a store-bought vapor rub.

3. Antibacterial and Antiviral

Gaultheria procumbent extract’s main ingredient methyl salicylate can be metabolized in plant tissues to form salicylic acid, a phytohormone that helps induce plant immunity against microbial pathogens. It also displayed antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that can cause a variety of illnesses, as well as Paederus fuscipes, an insect that can cause dermatitis in humans.

4. Digestive Relief

Wintergreen can be used in small doses to increase stomach acid and juices that help improve digestion. It’s considered a natural mild diuretic and increases urine production, which can help cleanse the digestive tract and reduce bloating.

It also has anti-nausea benefits and soothing effects on the gastric lining and colon because of its ability to reduce muscle spasms, making it a natural remedy for nausea.

5. Skin and Hair Treatment

As a natural astringent and antiseptic, when applied directly to the skin with a carrier oil, wintergreen is able to fight inflammation from blemishes and skin disorders.

It’s also helpful for clearing up acne since it can be used to kill germs on the skin. Additionally, some research shows that wintergreen can help other drugs penetrate the skin more easily to help clear up infections and other issues.

6. Energizer and Fatigue Fighter

Records show that Native Americans used wintergreen leaves to increase stamina, alertness and endurance during exercise since it can help extend respiratory capacity and treat pain, mucus buildup or inflammation. Try inhaling wintergreen and peppermint oil before workouts to increase concentration and wakefulness

7. Soothing Bath Soak

To unwind and relieve muscle tension, applying pure wintergreen oil mixed along with lavender oil to either a warm bath or ice bath serves as a great muscle relaxer.

8. Air Freshener

Since it works as a natural home deodorizer that can help mask foul smells, use wintergreen essential oil around your home to sanitize the air and surfaces of your bathroom and kitchen. Combine several drops with water in a spray bottle, and apply to hard surfaces, appliances, garbage cans and even your toilet bowls.



















Jian Zhongxiang Natural Plants Co.,Ltd


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Post time: Jul-26-2024