

Ylang Ylang oil

What Is Ylang Ylang

 What is ylang ylang essential oil good for? It’s considered an effective antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic and sedative. It’s also been highly sought after for centuries for its ability to thicken hair  and its skin-healing properties.      In addition to its beauty-boosting and health-promoting effects, throughout history in places such as Indonesia, and still even today, ylang ylang has been commonly been used to decorate the bed of newlyweds on their wedding night due to its energizing, aphrodisiac qualities. 主图2

1. Immune and Heart Health Booster

     Research  has shown that active compounds in ylang ylang oil include: several types of flavonoids, terpenes, o-methylmoschatoline, liriodenine and dihydroxybenzoic acid.      Researchers from the Phytochemistry Research Department at the University of Rajshahi in Bangladesh found that phytochemicals present in this oil posses antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic activities when used topically or internally by humans. They can help improve immune function and lower inflammation, which is a leading contributor to most diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, autoimmune and cognitive-related disorders.

2. Mood Enhancer and Anxiety Fighter

     Because of its ability to act directly on the olfactory system of the brain, inhaling some can have immediate, positive effects on your mood and act like a mild, natural anxiety or depression remedy. It’s said to “expand the heart,” and research shows it may help release negative emotions, including anger, low self-esteem and jealousy.

3. Skin Health Preserver

     One of the most popular uses for this oil is applying it to the skin in order to preserve a “youthful glow” and help prevent signs of aging or irritation. It is even powerful at fighting the development of skin cancer cells and melanoma.        Why is ylang ylang essential oil good for skin? Studies show that high-quality ylang ylang oil holds a high percentage of active constituents called terpenoids. Isolated terpenoid derivatives (including canangaterpenes IV-VI) show promising results as natural therapeutic agents for the treatment of several skin disorders.

4. Natural Energizer

        If you feel like you’re always tired, drained or frustrated, trying aromatherapy treatment with ylang ylang can help. Many people find the scent to be energizing and useful for fighting fatigue or body aches.           Energy boosting uses: Add several drops to a clean cotton ball and apply it to your wrists, neck or chest.

5. Natural Hair Care Product

       There are a few good reasons to use ylang ylang oil for hair health, such as because it can help prevent tangles and dandruff, while also working as a hair loss remedy. Healthy hair uses: Try massaging it into your scalp along with using coconut oil or jojoba oil (or your regular condition) to increase the appearance of healthy, shiny hair.     主图5  


  • Aromatically: The oil can be diffused throughout your home using a diffuser or inhaled directly from the bottle.
  • Topically: It should be diluted with a carrier oil like coconut oil in a 1:1 ratio before applying it to your skin. Always test for skin sensitivity before using it on large or sensitive areas of the skin. You can perform a skin patch test on your arm or feet to make sure you don’t experience skin sensitization. Also keep the oil out of your eyes, ears or nose and away from pets that might react to it badly.
  • Internally: ONLY recommended for very high-quality oil brands. Check ingredients carefully, and look for only Cananga odorata  flower oil. Only use 100 percent pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil if you plan to make ylang ylang tea, add a drop to water, or take it as dietary supplement (it can be mixed with honey or a smoothie). It’s recognized as safe by the FDA (21CFR182.20) when using small amounts internally in this way, but a therapeutic-grade oil might be hard to find due to labeling and marketing constraints if you’re not careful. Purchasing oil labeled complete or extra is your safest best.
  • This oil works well with other essential oils like rose oil, lavender oil, frankincense oil, jasmine oil and bergamot oil. Depending on your condition and what you want to use it for, it can double as both a relaxant and a stimulant. Use several drops of mixed essential oils, and dilute them with a few drops of a carrier oil.Here are several combinations to try:
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    • For building confidence: 2 drops YY and 2 drops bergamot.
    • For a natural home freshener that smells tropical: 2 drops YY and 2 drops jasmine.
    • To release tension: 2 drops YY and 2 drops frankincense.
    • To give you an energy boost: 2 drops YY and 2 drops of citrus oil like lemon oil, grapefruit essential oil or orange oil.
    • For an aphrodisiac massage rub: 2 drops YY and 2 drops sandalwood essential oil.

    Try our Homemade Ylang Ylang, Frankincense and Myrrh and body Lotion Recipe  which brings hydration and essential vitamins and nutrients to the skin. In addition, the essential oils tone, lift, heal and protect the skin.

Post time: Jun-01-2023