1.Skin Care. This property, along with its antibacterial property, makes the essential oil of spikenard an efficient skincare agent.
2.Prevents Bacterial Infections
3.Eliminates Odor
4.Reduces Inflammation
5.Improves Memory
6.Acts as a Laxative
7.Promotes Healthy Sleep
8.Boosts Uterine Health
Used since ancient times as a medicine for curing mental retardation, heart diseases, insomnia and urine-related problems.
Prescribed for hemorrhoids, edema, gout, arthritis, obstinate skin diseases and fractures.
Also used in aromatherapy to remove tension and stress from the mind.
It can be effective as a deodorant in case of excessive sweating.
Useful for smooth, silky and healthy hair.
Also added to the formulation of lotions, soaps, scents, massage oils, body fragrance, air fresheners and aromatherapy products.