
pure essential oils bulk

  • Factory Supply Natural Thyme Essential Oil for Food Additives

    Factory Supply Natural Thyme Essential Oil for Food Additives


    Deodorizing Products
    Antispasmodic properties of Thyme oil reduce symptoms of cold and cough. Thyme oil also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. In Addition, you can apply it to the areas that are affected due to infection or irritation to soothe them.
    Faster Wounds Healing
    Thyme essential oil prevents further spreading and stops the wounds from getting septic. Its anti-inflammatory properties will soothe inflammation or pain as well.
    Making Perfumes
    The spicy and dark fragrance of thyme essential oil is used to make perfumes. In perfumery, it is usually used as a middle note. The antimicrobial properties of thyme oil can be used to enhance the shelf life of your skincare and cosmetic products.


    Making Beauty Products
    Beauty care products like face masks, face scrubs, etc., can be easily made with Thyme Essential Oil. You can also add it directly to your lotions and face scrubs to improve their cleansing and nourishing properties.
    DIY Soap Bar & Scented Candles
    Thyme Oil proves to be an essential ingredient if you want to make DIY natural Perfumes, Soap bars, Deodorants, Bath oils, etc. You can also use it to make scented candles and incense sticks.
    Hair Care Products
    Hair loss can be prevented by massaging your hair and scalp regularly with a combination of thyme essential oil and suitable carrier oil. It not only makes hair follicles stronger but also stimulates the growth of new hair.

  • Sandalwood oil retains a prominent place in many traditional medicines due to its purifying nature, having demonstrated anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidative activity in controlled laboratory studies. It also retains a strong reputation for addressing emotional imbalances due to the calming and uplifting character of its scent.

    Used in aromatherapy, Sandalwood Essential Oil is known to help ground and quiet the mind, supporting feelings of peace and clarity. A renowned mood enhancer, this essence is reputed to facilitate all kinds of related benefits, from reduced feelings of tension and anxiety to higher quality sleep and increased mental alertness to enhanced feelings of harmony and sensuality. Centering and balancing, the smell of Sandalwood complement meditation practices by promoting a sense of spiritual wellbeing. A calming oil, it is further reputed to help manage feelings of discomfort due to headaches, coughs, colds, and indigestion, promoting feelings of relaxation instead.

    Sandalwood Essential Oil is composed mainly of the free alcohol isomers α-Santalol and β-Santalol and of various other sesquiterpenic alcohols. Santalol is the compound responsible for the oil’s characteristic aroma. In general, the higher the concentration of Santalol, the higher quality of the oil.

    α-Santalol is known to:

    • Possess a light woody aroma
    • Be present in a higher concentration than β-Santalol
    • Demonstrate antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic activity in controlled laboratory studies
    • Contribute to the calming influence of Sandalwood Essential Oil and others

    β-Santalol is known to:

    • Possess a strong woody aroma with creamy and animalic undertones
    • Possess cleansing properties
    • Demonstrate anti-microbial and anti-carcinogenic activity in controlled laboratory studies
    • Contribute to the calming influence of Sandalwood Essential Oil and others

    Sesquiterpenic alcohols are known to:

    • Contribute to the purifying properties of Sandalwood Essential Oil and others
    • Enhance the grounding influence of Sandalwood Essential Oil and others
    • Contribute to the soothing touch of Sandalwood Essential Oil and others

    In addition to its aromatherapeutic benefits, Sandalwood Essential Oil benefits for cosmetic purposes are abundant and multifaceted. Used topically, it is gently cleansing and hydrating, helping to smooth the skin and balanced complexion. In hair care, it is known to help maintain a soft texture, and to promote natural volume and lustrousness.


  • 100% Natural Aromatherapy frankincense essential Oil Pure private label essential oils

    100% Natural Aromatherapy frankincense essential Oil Pure private label essential oils

    1. Fights Acne and Other Skin Conditions

    Due to tea tree oil’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it has potential to work as a natural remedy for acne and other inflammatory skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis.

    A 2017 pilot study conducted in Australia evaluated the efficacy of tea tree oil gel compared to a face wash without tea tree in the treatment of mild to moderate facial acne. Participants in the tea tree group applied the oil to their faces twice a day for a 12-week period.

    Those using tea tree experienced significantly fewer facial acne lesions compared to those using the face wash. No serious adverse reactions occurred, but there were some minor side effects like peeling, dryness and scaling, all of which resolved without any intervention.

    2. Improves Dry Scalp

    Research suggests that tea tree oil is able to improve symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, which is a common skin condition that causes scaly patches on the scalp and dandruff. It’s also reported to help alleviate contact dermatitis symptoms.

    A 2002 human study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology investigated the efficacy of 5 percent tea tree oil shampoo and placebo in patients with mild to moderate dandruff.

    After a four-week treatment period, participants in the tea tree group showed a 41 percent improvement in the severity of dandruff, while only 11 percent of those in the placebo group showed improvements. Researchers also indicated an improvement in patient itchiness and greasiness after using tea tree oil shampoo.

    3. Soothes Skin Irritations

    Although the research on this is limited, tea tree oil’s antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties may make it a useful tool for soothing skin irritations and wounds. There is some evidence from a pilot study that after being treated with tea tree oil, patient wounds began to heal and reduced in size.

    There have been case studies that show tea tree oil’s ability to treat infected chronic wounds.

    Tea tree oil may be effective in reducing inflammation, fighting skin or wound infections, and reducing wound size. It can be used to soothe sunburns, sores and insect bites, but it should be tested on a small patch of skin first to rule out a sensitivity to topical application.

    4. Fights Bacterial, Fungal and Viral Infections

    According to a scientific review on tea tree published in Clinical Microbiology Reviewsdata clearly shows the broad-spectrum activity of tea tree oil due to its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.

    This means, in theory, that tea tree oil can be used to fight a number of infections, from MRSA to athlete’s foot. Researchers are still evaluating these tea tree benefits, but they have been shown in some human studies, lab studies and anecdotal reports.

    Lab studies have showed that tea tree oil can inhibit the growth of bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosaEscherichia coliHaemophilus influenzaeStreptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus pneumoniae. These bacteria cause serious infections, including:

    • pneumonia
    • urinary tract infections
    • respiratory illness
    • bloodstream infections
    • strep throat
    • sinus infections
    • impetigo

    Because of tea tree oil’s antifungal properties, it may have the ability to fight or prevent fungal infections like candida, jock itch, athlete’s foot and toenail fungus. In fact, one randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded study found that participants using tea tree reported a clinical response when using it for athlete’s foot.

    Lab studies also show that tea tree oil has the ability to fight recurrent herpes virus (which causes cold sores) and influenza. The antiviral activity displayed in studies has been attributed to the presence of terpinen-4-ol, one of the oil’s main active components.

    5. May Help Prevent Antibiotic Resistance

    Essential oils like tea tree oil and oregano oil are being used in replacement of or along with conventional medications because they serve as powerful antibacterial agents without the adverse side effects.

    Research published in the Open Microbiology Journal indicates that some plant oils, like those in tea tree oil, have a positive synergistic effect when combined with conventional antibiotics.

    Researchers are optimistic that this means plant oils may help prevent antibiotic resistance from developing. This is extremely important in modern medicine because antibiotic resistance may lead to treatment failure, increased health care costs and the spread of infection control problems.

    6. Relieves Congestion and Respiratory Tract Infections

    Very early in its history, the leaves of the melaleuca plant were crushed and inhaled to treat coughs and colds. Traditionally, the leaves were also soaked to make an infusion that was used to treat sore throats.

    Today, studies show that tea tree oil has antimicrobial activity, giving it the ability to fight bacteria that lead to nasty respiratory tract infections, and antiviral activity that’s helpful for fighting or even preventing congestion, coughs and the common cold. This is exactly why tea tree is one of the top essential oils for cough and respiratory issues.

  • Highest Quality Customized Label Pure Natural Geranium Essential Oil In Bulk Geranium Oil

    Highest Quality Customized Label Pure Natural Geranium Essential Oil In Bulk Geranium Oil

    1. Wrinkle Reducer

    Rose geranium oil is known for its dermatological use for the treatment of aging, wrinkled and/or dry skin. (4) It has the power to minimize the look of wrinkles because it tightens facial skin and slows down the effects of aging.

    Add two drops of geranium oil to your face lotion and apply it twice daily. After a week or two, you may just see the look of your wrinkles begin to fade away.

    2. Muscle Helper 

    Are you sore from an intense workout? Using some geranium oil topically may help with any muscle cramps, aches and/or pains plaguing your sore body. (5

    Create a massage oil by mixing five drops of geranium oil with one tablespoon of jojoba oil and massage it into your skin, focusing on your muscles.

    3. Infection Fighter 

    Research has shown that geranium oil has potent antibacterial and anti-fungal abilities against at least 24 different types of bacteria and fungi. (6) These antibacterial and anti-fungal properties found in geranium oil can help to protect your body from infection. When you use geranium oil to fight external infection, your immune system can focus on your internal functions and keep you healthier.

    To help prevent infection, apply two drops of geranium oil combined with a carrier oil like coconut oil to the area of concern, such as a cut or wound, twice a day until it has healed. (7

    Athlete’s foot, for example, is a fungal infection that can be helped with the use of geranium oil. To do this, add give drops of geranium oil to a foot bath with warm water and sea salt; do this twice daily for the best results.

  • Lemon Essential Oil & Natural ( Citrus X Limon ) – 100% Pure Diffuser Essential Oils Aromatherapy Skin Care Top Grade OEM/ODM

    Lemon Essential Oil & Natural ( Citrus X Limon ) – 100% Pure Diffuser Essential Oils Aromatherapy Skin Care Top Grade OEM/ODM

    Lemon, scientifically called Citrus limon, is a flowering plant that belongs to the Rutaceae family. Lemon plants are grown in many countries all over the world, although they are native to Asia and believed to have been brought to Europe around 200 A.D.

    In America, English sailors used lemons while on the sea to protect themselves from scurvy and conditions caused by bacterial infections.

    Lemon essential oil comes from cold-pressing the lemon peel, not the inner fruit. The peel is actually the most nutrient-dense portion of the lemon because of its fat-soluble phytonutrients.

    Research indicates that lemon essential oil is composed of many natural compounds, including:

    • terpenes
    • sesquiterpenes
    • aldehydes
    • alcohols
    • esters
    • sterols

    Lemons and lemon oil are popular because of their refreshing scent and invigorating, purifying and cleaning properties. Research shows that lemon oil contains powerful antioxidants and helps reduce inflammation, fight bacteria and fungi, boost energy levels, and ease digestion.

  • OEM/ODM Top Grade Massage Essential Oil Pure Extract Natural Ylang Ylang Oil For Diffuser

    OEM/ODM Top Grade Massage Essential Oil Pure Extract Natural Ylang Ylang Oil For Diffuser

    Ylang Ylang Essential Oil, pronounced “Ee-lang Ee-lang,” receives its common name from the repetition of the Tagalog word “ilang,” meaning “wilderness,” which is where the tree is naturally found. The wilderness to which it is native or in which it is cultivated includes the tropical rainforests of the Philippines, Indonesia, Java, Sumatra, Comoro, and Polynesia. The Ylang Ylang tree, scientifically identified as the Cananga odorata botanical, is also sometimes referred to as The Fragrant Cananga, The Perfume Tree, and The Macassar Oil Plant.

    Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is derived from the steam distillation of the plant’s sea star-shaped flowering parts. It is known to have a scent that can be described as sweetly and delicately floral and fresh with a fruity nuance. There are 5 varieties of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil available in the market: In the first 1-2 hours of distillation, the distillate obtained is called Extra, while grades I, II and III of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil are extracted in the following hours by specifically determined fractions of time. The fifth variety is referred to as Ylang Ylang Complete. This final distillation of Ylang Ylang is typically achieved after it has been distilled for 6-20 hours. It retains the characteristic rich, sweet, floral scent; however, its undertone is more herbaceous than the previous distillations, thus its general scent is lighter than that of Ylang Ylang Extra. The name ‘Complete’ refers to the fact that this variety is the result of a continuous, undisturbed distillation of the Ylang Ylang flower.

    In Indonesia, Ylang Ylang flowers, believed to have aphrodisiac properties, are sprinkled on the bed of a newlywed couple. In the Philippines, Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is used by healers to address cuts, burns, and bites from both insects and snakes. In the Molucca islands, the oil was used to make a popular hair pomade called Macassar Oil. In the early 20th century, after its medicinal properties were discovered by a French chemist, Ylang Ylang Oil came to be used as a potent remedy for infections of the intestines and for typhus and malaria. Eventually, it became popular around the world for its ability to promote relaxation by easing the symptoms and effects of anxiety and harmful stress.

    Today, Ylang Ylang Oil continues to be used for its health-enhancing characteristics. Due to its soothing and stimulating properties, it is reputed to be beneficial for addressing ailments associated with women’s reproductive health, such as premenstrual syndrome and low libido. Additionally, it is beneficial for calming stress-related ailments such as anxiety, depression, nervous tension, insomnia, high blood pressure, and palpitations.

  • Small Package 100% Pure Concentrated Sweet Orange Essential Oil Orange Peeling Massage Oil

    Small Package 100% Pure Concentrated Sweet Orange Essential Oil Orange Peeling Massage Oil

    1. Energizing Boost: Place 1-2 drops of orange essential oil in the palm of your hand along with an equal amount of peppermint essential oil. Rub palms together and inhale deeply. Rub your palms on the back of your neck for an even  stronger boost!

    2. Skin + Hair: Sweet orange essential oil is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory which makes this oil an ideal addition to your skin and hair routine. Known to increase the ability to absorb vitamin C, collagen production, and blood flow, all of which are essential for anti-aging. 

    3. Bath: To help alleviate stress brought on by seasonal affective disorder, depression and premenstrual syndrome, add 8-10 drops of orange essential oil in bath water. 

    4. Laundry: Place a few drops of orange oil on wool dryer balls or to a clean freshly laundered washcloth before adding to the dryer. The bright clean scent of orange will make your clothes and sheets smell great without the use of synthetic fragrances.

    5. Homemade Tub Cleaner: To avoid the residue of chemicals that comes with a conventional tub scrub, use these effective ingredients instead. Mix 1 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup castile soap, 1 TBLS of hydrogen peroxide and 10 -15 drops of orange essential oil.

    6. DIY Air Freshener: Mix together 3/4 cup water, 2 TBLS of vodka, rubbing alcohol or real vanilla extract, and 10 drops of orange essential oil. Mix together and store in a glass spray bottle.

    7. Massage Oil: mix several drops of orange essential oil in a carrier oil for a delightfully calming scent. This is especially effective when applied to the abdomen for relieving cramps.

    8. Antibacterial Counter Spray: Add 5 drops of orange essential oil to this DIY counter spray and use on kitchen counters, wooden cutting boards and appliances for a clean naturally antibacterial solution that also smells pleasant rather than like a strong chemical.

  • Top Grade Essential Oil Bergamot Organic Essential Oil Suppliers 100% Pure Organic Essential Oil Bulk

    Top Grade Essential Oil Bergamot Organic Essential Oil Suppliers 100% Pure Organic Essential Oil Bulk

    Bergamot oil has been used for centuries in aromatherapy because of its refreshing and enticing aroma. Bergamot scent is both refreshing yet also helps to promote a sense of inner calm that may help to relieve stress or tension.

    Bergamot oil can also be used to help promote healthy skin and with its antiseptic, antibacterial properties it makes it an ideal oil to help acne prone skins especially when blended and applied topically; it’s thought that Bergamot oils antimicrobial, antiseptic and deodorising qualities make it an effective ingredient in bodycare products to help relive other problems like athletes foot and sweaty feet that can be both sore and irritating.


    The bergamot scent is a distinctive fragrance that has been used in aromatherapy for centuries to provide uplifting benefits. For some it can help with emotional stressors and headaches when inhaled directly from a tissue or smelling strip, or diffused into the air as an aromatic therapy treatment. It is highly effective in helping to relieve feelings of stress and anxiety, as well as balancing energy levels, as bergamot has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind.

    Aromatherapists often use bergamot aromatherapy oil in massage therapy for its analgesic and antispasmodic properties when trying to help ease muscular pain or muscle cramps, by adding a few drops of bergamot to a carrier oil such as jojoba oil to create an uplifting yet deeply relaxing massage oil.

    Bergamot essential oil is often used in aromatherapy diffusers due to its popular soothing scent that helps you relax and relieves feelings of anxiety when inhaled. It can be used on its own, or together with other oils as an aromatic blend, by mixing a few drops of bergamot with other complimentary essential oils such as Lavender oil, Rose or Chamomile.

    You can also use bergamot essential oil for its rebalancing, relaxing properties by adding it to a dispersant and then mixing with your bath water to help with sleep health rituals. Bergamot can also be used as a natural insect repellent for those who are sensitive or allergic to harsh chemical insecticides and want an all-natural alternative that is effective.

    As well as being used in aromatherapy, Bergamot oil is an excellent ingredient of choice when used in cosmetic formulation. Its bright, green, citrus scent adds an uplifting aroma to products, while the natural therapeutic properties of bergamot make it a real asset when it comes to skin health benefits.


    Bergamot oil is an effective natural remedy for many skin problems making it an excellent choice for skincare formulations especially those that target teenage acne, as it can help reduce the bacteria on the skin by fighting against skin inflammation and breakouts with its antimicrobial benefits. Bergamot oil also has astringent properties which helps to tighten pores and reduce excess sebum production, making bergamot a perfect ingredient for those with oily skin.

    It has been shown that bergamot especially when blended with other essential oils such as lavender and chamomile may help to calm the appearance of redness and inflammation associated with many skin problems such as eczema, some types of dermatitis or psoriasis, due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes Bergamot an ingredient of consideration when formulating any natural skincare product to help balance troubled skin.



    Bergamot essential oil is a key ingredient in the original Eau de Cologne created at the beginning of the 18th century. It is still widely used as a key ingredient in the perfumery industry with many popular perfume houses still creating bergamot-based fragrances and colognes. It is also a popular choice to be included in general off the shelf cosmetic skin and hair care formulations to give that pleasant not too sweet, bergamot-orange fragrance.


    Bergamot hydrosol is a byproduct of the steam distillation process. Essential oils that are in the rind of the bergamot orange are carried within the water vapour the condensation chamber. The essential oils are then removed from the water leaving a distillate know as Bergamot Hydrosol, which is used in various aromatherapy applications such as prescription cream emulsions and it can also be used in a facial toner or mist.

  • OEM Rose Essential Oil Facial Whole Body Massage Moisturizing Repair Essential Oil

    OEM Rose Essential Oil Facial Whole Body Massage Moisturizing Repair Essential Oil

    Helps Depression and Anxiety

    One of the top benefits of rose oil is definitely its mood-boosting abilities. As our ancestors battled situations where their mental status was dampened, or otherwise impaired, they would have been naturally drawn to the pleasant sights and smells of the flowers that surrounded them. For example, it is hard to take a whiff of a powerful rose and not smile.

    The journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice recently published a study that set out to prove these types of natural reactions when rose aromatherapy is used on human subjects experiencing depression and/or anxiety. With a subject group of 28 postpartum women, the researchers separated them into two groups: one who would be treated with 15-minute aromatherapy sessions using an essential oil blend consisting of rose otto and lavender twice a week for four weeks, and a control group.

    Their results were quite remarkable. The aromatherapy group experienced “significant improvements” greater than the control group on both the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7). So not only did the women experienced significant decrease in postnatal depression scores, they also reported marked improvement in general anxiety disorde

    Fights Acne

    There are many qualities of rose essential oil that make it a great natural remedy for the skin. The antimicrobial and aromatherapy benefits alone are great reasons to put a few drops in your DIY lotions and creams.

    In 2010, researchers published a study uncovering that rose essential oil exhibited one of the strongest bactericidal activities compared to 10 other oils. Along with thyme, lavender and cinnamon essentials oils, rose oil was able to completely destroy Propionibacterium acnes (the bacteria responsible for acne) after only five minutes of a 0.25 percent dilution!


    It’s no surprise that rose oil typically makes the list of top anti-aging essential oils. Why can rose essential oil boost skin health and possibly slow down the aging process? There are several reasons.

    First, it has potent anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it contains antioxidants that fight off free radicals which encourage skin damage and skin aging. Free radicals can cause damage to skin tissue, which results in wrinkles, lines a

    Boosts Libido

    Because it acts as an anti-anxiety agent, rose essential oil can greatly help men with sexual dysfunction related to performance anxiety and stress. It may also help to balance sex hormones, which can contribute to increased sex drive.

    A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial published in 2015 looks at the effects of rose oil on 60 male patients with major depressive disorder experiencing sexual dysfunction as a result of taking conventional antidepressants known as serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

    The results are quite impressive! The administration of R. damascena oil improved sexual dysfunction in the male patients. In addition, the symptoms of depression reduced as sexual dysfunction got better. 

    nd dehydration.


  • Bulk Organic Hair Growth Peppermint Essential Oil

    Bulk Organic Hair Growth Peppermint Essential Oil

    Relieves Muscle and Joint Pain

    If you are wondering if peppermint oil is good for pain, the answer is a resounding “yes!” Peppermint essential oil is a very effective natural painkiller and muscle relaxant.

    It also has cooling, invigorating and antispasmodic properties. Peppermint oil is especially helpful in alleviating a tension headache. One clinical trial indicates that it performs as well as acetaminophen

    Another study shows that peppermint oil applied topically has pain relief advantages associated with fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome. Researchers found that peppermint oil, eucalyptus, capsaicin and other herbal preparations may be helpful because they work as topical analgesics.

    To use peppermint oil for pain relief, simply apply two to three drops topically to the area of concern three times daily, add five drops to a warm bath with Epsom salt or try a homemade muscle rub. Combining peppermint with lavender oil is also a great way to help your body relax and reduce muscle pain.

    Sinus Care and Respiratory Aid

    Peppermint aromatherapy can help unclog your sinuses and offer relief from a scratchy throat. It acts as a refreshing expectorant, helping open your airways, clear mucus and reduce congestion.

    It also is one of the best essential oils for colds, the flu, cough, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory conditions.

    Lab studies show that the compounds found in peppermint oil have antimicrobial, antiviral and antioxidant properties, meaning it may also help fight infections that lead to symptoms involving the respiratory tract.

    Mix peppermint oil it with coconut oil and eucalyptus oil to make my homemade vapor rub. You can also diffuse five drops of peppermint or apply two to three drops topically to your temples, chest and back of neck.

    Seasonal Allergy Relief

    Peppermint oil is highly effective at relaxing muscles in your nasal passages and helping clear out the muck and pollen from your respiratory tract during allergy season. It’s considered one of the best essential oils for allergies because of its expectorant, anti-inflammatory and invigorating properties.

    A lab study published in the European Journal of Medical Research found that peppermint compounds displayed potential therapeutic efficacy for the treatment of chronic inflammatory disorders, such as allergic rhinitis, colitis and bronchial asthma.

    To help relieve seasonal allergies symptoms with your own DIY product, diffuse peppermint and eucalyptus oil at home, or apply two to three drops of peppermint topically to your temples, chest and back of neck.

    Increases Energy and Improves Exercise Performance

    For a non-toxic alternative to unhealthy energy drinks, take a few whiffs of peppermint. It helps boost your energy levels on long road trips, in school or any other time you need to “burn the midnight oil.”

    Research suggests that it may also help improve memory and alertness when inhaled. It can be used to enhance your physical performance, whether you need a little push during your weekly workouts or you are training for an athletic event.

    A study published in the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine investigated the effects of peppermint ingestion on exercise performance. Thirty healthy male college students were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. They were given a single oral dose of peppermint essential oil, and measurements were taken on their physiological parameters and performance.

    Researchers observed significant improvements in all of the tested variables after ingestion of peppermint oil. Those in the experimental group showed an incremental and significant increase in their grip force, standing vertical jump and standing long jump.

    The peppermint oil group also showed a significant increase in the amount of air that is exhaled from the lungs, peak breathing flow rate and peak exhaling flow rate. This suggests that peppermint may have a positive effect on the bronchial smooth muscles.

    To boost your energy levels and improve concentration with peppermint oil, take one to two drops internally with a glass of water, or apply two to three drops topically to your temples and back of neck.

  • Lavender Oil 100% Pure Lavender Essential Oil For Hair Lavender Massage Oil

    Lavender Oil 100% Pure Lavender Essential Oil For Hair Lavender Massage Oil

    Antioxidant Protection

    Free radicals, like toxins, chemicals and pollutants, are arguably the most dangerous and most common risk factor for every disease that affects Americans today. Free radicals are responsible for shutting down your immune system and can cause unbelievable damage to your body.

    The body’s natural response to free radical damage is to create antioxidant enzymes — especially glutathione, catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) — that stop these free radicals from doing their damage. Unfortunately, your body can actually become deficient in antioxidants if the free radical burden is great enough, which has become relatively common in the U.S. because of poor diet and high exposure to toxins.

    Thankfully, lavender is a natural antioxidant that works to prevent and reverse disease. A 2013 study published in Phytomedicine found that it increased the activity of the body’s most powerful antioxidants — glutathione, catalase and SOD. More recent studies have indicated similar results, concluding that lavender has antioxidant activity and helps prevent or reverse oxidative stress.

    Helps Treat Diabetes

    In 2014, scientists from Tunisia set out to complete a fascinating task: to test the effects of lavender on blood sugar to see if it can help reverse diabetes naturally.

    During the 15-day animal study, the results observed by researchers were absolutely amazing. In a nutshell, lavender essential oil treatment protected the body from the following diabetes symptoms:

    • Increased blood glucose (the hallmark of diabetes)
    • Metabolic disorders (especially fat metabolism)
    • Weight gain
    • Liver and kidney antioxidant depletion
    • Liver and kidney dysfunction
    • Liver and kidney lipoperoxidation (when free radicals “steal” necessary fat molecules from cell membranes)

    Although more research is needed to understand the full capacity of lavender for the prevention or reversal of diabetes, the results of this study are promising and indicate the therapeutic potential of the plant extract. To use it for diabetes, use it topically on your neck and chest, diffuse it at home, or supplement with it.

    Improves Mood and Reduces Stress

    In recent years, lavender oil has been put on a pedestal for its unique ability to protect against neurological damage. Traditionally, lavender has been used to treat neurological issues like migraines, stress, anxiety and depression, so it’s exciting to see that the research is finally catching up to history.

    There are several studies showing the plant’s effects on stress and anxiety levels. A study from 2019 found that inhaling Lavandula is one of the most powerful anxiolytic oils, as it reduces peri-operative anxiety and can be considered a potential sedative for patients undergoing surgical procedures and anesthesia.

    In 2013, an evidence-based study published by the International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice found that supplementing with 80-milligram capsules of lavender essential oil help alleviate anxiety, sleep disturbance and depression. Additionally, in the study there were no adverse side effects, drug interactions or withdrawal symptoms from using lavender oil.

    The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology published a human study in 2014 that revealed that Silexan (otherwise known as lavender oil preparation) was more effective against generalized anxiety disorder than placebos and the prescription medicine paroxetine. After treatment, the study found zero instances of withdrawal symptoms or adverse side effects.

    Another study published in 2012 involved 28 high-risk postpartum women and noted that by diffusing lavender in their homes, they had a significant reduction of postnatal depression and reduced anxiety disorder after a four-week treatment plan of aromatherapy.

    Lavender has also been shown to improve PTSD symptoms. Eighty milligrams of lavender oil per day helped decrease depression by 33 percent and dramatically decrease sleep disturbances, moodiness and overall health status in 47 people suffering from PTSD, as shown in a phase two trial published in Phytomedicine.

    To relieve stress and improve sleep, put a diffuser by your bed, and diffuse oils while you sleep at night or in the family room while you’re reading or winding down in the evening.  You can also use it topically behind your ears for similar results.

  • High Quality Pure Chamomile Oil Comfort Relieve Pain Improve Sleep

    High Quality Pure Chamomile Oil Comfort Relieve Pain Improve Sleep


    Moisturizes Skin
    Chamomile essential oil is a moisturizing skin potion for treating dry patchy skin. It saturates your skin with moisture and nourishment that starts healing your skin from the inner layer.
    Chamomile Essential Oil contains powerful antioxidants that help you in a variety of skin conditions and issues. They also protect your skin from external factors like pollution, dust, cold winds, etc.
    Natural Perfume
    Chamomile essential oil is a blissful perfume on its own without any additional components. However, don’t forget to dilute it before applying it to your underarms, writs, and other body parts.


    Soaps & Scented Candles
    The invigorating aroma of Chamomile Essential Oil is an important ingredient for making scented Candles, Soap bars, Incense sticks, etc. You can also use it to make DIY natural perfumes and deodorants.
    Skin Care Products
    Our natural Chamomile essential oil can help remove skin tan, especially when mixed with natural ingredients like turmeric and rosewater. You can also make a face mask by blending this oil with chamomile powder.
    Diffuser Blends
    If you are into diffuser blends, then the earthy and special fragrance of Chamomile Essential oil can refresh your mood and balance your mind. It also refreshes your mind, soothes your senses, and provides relief from fatigue and restlessness.